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Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Quattro ? Anybody got one yet ? Anyone even got a Sniff of one ? Anybody ordered one ? Anyone been given a date ? Anyone had feedback from Drew on one ? Anyone seen anyone ski on one recently ?

My enthusiasm for the Quattro is beginning to drop off ! please help to restore faith !

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  • Baller


If you are looking for a "different" type of ski to get excited about (and has a similar sounding name) I would look at the Nano Mid. I mean the Quattro thing has been floating around since last summer without much apparant progress. The first anyone heard about the Nano was 4-5 weeks ago. They are now available to the masses and putting up large scores in R tournaments.

(I am not on one BTW. This was just the thought that crossed my mind when I read your post) If you really want a Quattro keep calling Adam!

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I'm picking mine up Saturday at the Masters.


By the way, I have heard good things recently from the grape vine. I can't belive others are excited about the Goode based on the failures I've seen. Much less the ones I've heard about. Are you assuming that "nano" will correct that issue?

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  • Baller

whats up with Obrien?


they were the leader in waterski equipment for decades, have the king Mapple at the forefront and a number of other very gifted skiers, but they aren't even listed as team members on the website??


the only 2 elite team skiers at the masters and neither is mentioned ANYWHERE on the Obrien or Elite website. what gives?



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  • Baller

that's what I was trying to get at so HIRE MATT!!!


as a sales/marketing guy not doing the simple things boggles my mind!


they have great products & great athletes, gotta get the word out. Radar has taken over because of their simple, yet effective marketing. Twitter, facebook, forums, etc.





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  • Baller
I agree that is one place that O'brien needs help! I ski on an Elite and like to see others on the product. obrienelite.com was last updated about a year ago? I love this sport app, web design and maintenance. Put the two and you get a winning combination. That and I need some income... making apps for free does not cut it :)
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  • Baller

I agree with the lack of updates on the website, I check it almost once a week to see if anything new is up. I also believe what wins on sunday sells on monday and I havent been seeing many elite skiers up top.


Im also still waiting on the release of the elite bindings, anyone have any new info?


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  • Baller

Stevie Boy....


Yeah, it is highly embarassing for O'Brien/Elite and particularly for Adam Cord. Adam has definitely been trying his best to get the pipeline filled with Quattros, Alphas and Endos. However, the production start-up was much, much, slower than anticipated. (All of it completely out of Adam's control.) The ski lay-up and design are finalized. It is just a matter of fulfilling orders.


Adam will be at the Masters (if he isn't there already) and should be able to give better information when dealers/skiers will be able to get a real, not virtual, ski. Be kind to Adam. He is working as hard as he can with very few resources at his disposal. As mentioned by others, the waterski industry operates on very thin profit margins.

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  • Baller
Thankyou sixam675, O,brien have always been a good source for competitive products for skiers around the world for a long time, its a shame they are having difficulties, O,brien is my preferred manafacturer of ski, I have always gone well on them, I am desperate for a replacement ski, I will give it two more weeks before I cave in and buy something else, as for the Nano guy,s I tried a normal mid, didn,t like the setup. attaching velcro to the ski with adhesive, and then a plate to the velcro and then the bindings to the plate was far from ideal for me, I am going to stay with a ski I can take out of the box and bolt my bindings on straight away, Sorry but, I like it that way
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  • Baller

Skiray wrote "... I can't belive others are excited about the Goode based on the failures I've seen. Much less the ones I've heard about. Are you assuming that "nano" will correct that issue?"


My thoughts exactly. Seems like a lot of (financial) caution being thrown to the wind here. Maybe, hopefully they're taken care of the premature failure issue. If so all of their previous sins will likely be forgiven. We'll know more in a couple of years.


Stevie Boy wrote "... attaching velcro to the ski with adhesive, and then a plate to the velcro and then the bindings to the plate was far from ideal... I am going to stay with a ski I can take out of the box and bolt my bindings on straight away..."


Velcroing (is that a word?) yourself to the ski just seems completely unnatural to me. I know people do it and I know it works for them. Just unnatural...


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I don't know if anyone supplied you with any base fin settings but, these have worked really well for me.


length 6.845

depth 2.485

DFT 0.755

8 degree wing


(I will refer you to Adam for binding position. My bindings are a bit unusual, so they wouldn't provide much of a reference.)


For reference, I ski at 34mph/32 off with good consistency, and have used these settings for the Quattro on the seven separate occasions that Adam has lent me the ski. I have found the Quattro to be considerably less sensitive to fin settings than the Elite and/or Sixam SS. With the above fin settings, and a neutral body position over the ski, the Quattro is very benign and will carve very smooth turns on both sides of the course. In addition, I have found the Quattro to be the easiest ski that I have ever skied on. (This includes the Elite "Alpha", Sixam SS, Sixam 2, Sixam 1.0 Red/Blue, and a few of O'Brien's competitors skis.) I no longer think about what the ski is doing. I just focus on feeling the water.


I hope you like it as much as I do!


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Numbers that were on this forum last year Quattro "66 Binding 29.5" Fin 6.845/2.495/0.70) 8% wing, pretty close to what sixam675 is using. ( saved those numbers thats how long I have been waiting for this ski, pretty sad eh, I still have the faith.)

Skiray have a great day on the water


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  • Baller

Is it quiet at O'Brien or is it me? There were no skis reviewed in the May issue of

Waterski. I don't recall seeing any ads recently, photos, etc. and the Elite website is unchanged in I don't know how long? Adam, are you out there? I've skied on O'Brien since 2004 and am on an Elite presently. I have always had fantastic customer service when needed but I am curious as to what's up.

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  • Baller
Adam's still out there working really hard. I talked to him a week or so ago. Some companies do not place the same emphasis on internet marketing that others do. Especially on a high end, small volume product. Likely because they only have production capacity for a certain number of units that they are already filling. In a lot of high tech manufacturing environments(of which RTM is), costs to increase production by 10% might incur an increased operating cost or capital expenditure of 100% or more. So advertising more might be a net loss for Obrien when thought of that way. Expansion is not always the right choice. I'm not saying that's what is going on at Obrien, but I see that a lot in similar circumstances.
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Thanks for the info Sixam675. That is close to what I'm trying. I hope to see some real water time soon. Work is working against me at the moment... I've skied two sets. The first, the water was terrible, the second set wasn't great. So, I tried my other ski. It was worse, looks like I've gone mental... (so I can say a ski better on the quattro out of the box than I did on the one I've been on for 2 years) I need more time on the water before I can tell you anything worth reading. I will let you know how it goes when I have a clear head and decent water.


On the flipside, a buddy of mine has one and has gotten to ski a handful of sets on it. It can't stop bragging about how the ski is working for him.

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I think the Quattro works for some. Mostly short line skiers. I start at 28@34 and on a great day can work my way through 32. Most days 2 or 3 @32.


With that said, I will say this about mine. I'm putting it back on eBay. Anything over $500 gets it. I hate loosing money, but what else can I do with it.... My daughter wants me to make a swing out of it.


The ski looks great. It works for some, just not for me.

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