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West Coast New School??????


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The thread on West Coast style got me to thinking about a question Horton asked me the other day on his safari. He asked "Have you been watching videos of Marcus Brown?" I haven't been watching Marcus Brown. I've read a little about "west coast style" but thats it. I've never formally tried to ski that way. Actually its the opposite, I've been trying like crazy to get more stacked. Keep in mind that I'm a greenhorn hacking my way through the course, just trying to learn the basics and I don't really know what "school" or "style" I'm skiing. As I was looking at pictures taken recently of me skiing I realized why Horton asked the question. Unbeknown to me it looks like I've some west coast tendencies. This form is apparently natural to me as I've never even considered skiing with this style. As a matter of fact, I'm trying my best to get more stacked.


Question is should I go with it or work away from it and try to get more stacked? Or am I way off base? Does this not even resemble the West Coast style? Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.



Forgive all the attempts to post pics below. Here is a link to a slide show. http://www.flickr.com/images/slideshow/thirdparty_thumb.jpg







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bottom line: Keep working on getting more stacked.


It's fundamental to the physics and therefore to all effective styles.


I'm still working on it, too. Improving my stacked position has taken me from 30mph to reasonably consistent at 34/-35, but doing it much better is still the key to getting though -38 with any sort of regularity and hopefully someday beyond!


My best guess is Marcus is working on it, too. Everybody wants to do the core things even better, and there isn't much that's more fundamental than stacked position.

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