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Mastercraft ordered to pay $30M


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  • Baller

Butte County jury awards woman $30M in boat mishap

By AP News

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


OROVILLE, Calif. (AP) — A Butte County jury has awarded a woman $30 million after finding a boat manufacturer was mostly to blame for injuries she suffered in a boating mishap on Lake Oroville.Roger Dreyer, the lawyer for 27-year-old Niki Bell, hailed Tuesday's jury award against Vonore, Tenn.-based MasterCraft Boat Co.Dreyer said the company's MasterCraft X45 boat had a design flaw that caused its front end to submerge during a turn and throw Bell and another woman into the water on July 9, 2006.The boat's propeller hit Bell in the head, fracturing her skull and ripping out an eye.The other woman, Bethany Wallenburg, was slashed across her back. The jury awarded her $500,000.MasterCraft's lawyer, Thomas Dale Nielsen, told the Sacramento Bee reckless driving, not the boat, was to blame for the accident.The company is considering an appeal.___Information from: The Sacramento Bee, http://www.sacbee.com


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  • Baller
We're having quite the discussion on this over at planet Nautique. This moron driver had 19 people in the boat, and 12 in the bow - which would also essentially make him blind to anything in his path; fortunately he didn't t-bone someone else's boat too. MC may be guilty of building a stupid looking pickle fork design, but cannot be blamed for this accident. I guess personal responsibility is out the window:-(
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  • Baller

Well, I'm with all of you, but on the Mastercraft website, it states the X45's capacity as follows:


Total Weight Capacity: 18 persons or 2,928 lbs.


They may have well been under the 2928 lbs max even with 19. Can't see how they could rule the way they did if the load exceeded the specified maximums...

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  • Baller_
In the capacity listing does it say where the 19 people have to be placed or could u put all 18 in the bow and call it MC's fault? Amazed the boat holds that much plus ballast. Have never driven one but can't imagine they would be easy to contol swinging that kind of weight around. Gotta think the manual was chalk full of all kinds of wornings. There's stickers all over my 97SN
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  • Baller
If they lose the appeal I could see open bows not being built any more which to me would be a good thing. I never could understand putting people in front of the boat driver obstructing his/her view somewhat. Maybe we need open bows atop the motor on cars. :)
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This whole thing has been a bunch of horse poo from the start. The moron driver who pleaded no contest to being negligent had 12 people in the bow of the the boat, "for optimal wake miking performance," and when he turned to pick up the boarder he took on water due to a roller. At this point the 2 girls are sitting on the gunnels and are pulled overboard as the water recedes, and the yahoo driver decides to gun the throttle "in a technique geared to help the front of the boat over a wake."


While what happened to the 2 girls is terrible, they should have had the common sense to know that sitting up on the gunnels of the boat was a bad idea, and the driver should have had some idea that when there are no more seats in your bow there are too many people up there. Apparently there is no need for common sense in this world, as this case surely proves.


The parents of one of the girls are quoted in an article stating that they will not be seeking damages from the driver, but 100% of the ruling from MC.

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  • Supporting Member

Not quite on topic, but:


Open Bow Skeptics unite! :)


I would never put my kids up there for their safety, and I'd never put an adult up there because of my view. Good to see at least one person is equally paranoid...

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this one smells like a jury trial. Juries are usually prone to the follow the sympathy factor - the poor girl lost an eye and the company has insurance. So, let's award her a lot of cash.


Boating is a dangerous activity and it's taken hundreds of hours behind the wheel to become competent. That's why I can't ski well when my wife drives - unless there are no other boats on the lake, I'm too busy noticing her mistakes to just relax and focus on my skiing. Last year, a boat came "out of nowhere" on her, she turned sharply into my turn and almost ran me over. I fail to understand how people riding on the gunnels equates to a "design flaw."

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  • Baller
In most states/jurisdictions you get cited by law enforcement for riding on gunnels. So, if you're doing something that is against the law should that not place the responsibility back on the injured party? There is no logic to jury decisions some times.
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