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DFT, Regular Caliper VS Slot Caliper


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  • Baller
Why is it that on the goode web site the DFT measurement (slot caliper) is not the same as the regular caliper? When I measure my ski they are exactly the same. I understand the Jaw measurment (cutout is ground down) One other reason the jaw measurement is different is the head size is smaller than most other calipers (doesn't bridge across the concave as much)??? Keith
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  • Baller
Yeah, the numbers published by Goode for the two different calipers can't both be correct. The slot number put the fin forward of the regular number. I set up my 9900 with the head of a regular caliper and nothing about the way the ski feels makes me want to move it forward 25/1000's to match the slot caliper number.
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  • Gold Member

Arg! This reminds me that last year I came up with a surprisingly simple method to get very accurate (and repeatable, which is required to be accurate) DFT measurements using an ordinary caliper. But I really need to take a few pictures in order to explain it. Otherwise it will seem way more complicated than it really is.


So, Horton can you place someone (perhaps yourself) in charge of bugging me about this regularly until I publish it here? Thanks.

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