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Ski Test SansRival ride 8


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@krlee I am on the 68. What do you weigh? Big person 68 - Not so big person 66.5


@Ed Johnson I have a SR carbon fin. Have not tried it yet


@Thanger It is not a Fischer. I have not measured to see how similar in shape but that does not tell you anything. From a distance most skis look the same but bevel radius or rocker (and 20 other things) are hard things to see and make a huge difference.

As I said somewhere else, I do not think I should directly compare skis.

Hopefully, I have found my settings and I will be able to give a clear description after 10 more rides.

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@Ed Johnson I will have to look when I am home - no idea. It is not a small 68. Or I should say it does not feel small.


@Brent Every ski is a derivative of some other ski (or skis). I do not know where the SR R&D started but you have to remember that the differences between skis are a matter of thousandths of an inch and pounds of flex.


I have never skied on a ski that was supposed to be a copy of another and had it feel like the original – better or worse.


I love the old claim that the Goode 9100 was a copy of a Connelly Concept. I guess they both float and have a fin. Maybe Goode used the Connelly as a starting place in the same way Ferrari used the Ford Model-T as a starting place.


@ShaneH Yes I will flex it. Just have to get around to it.

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Bummed I did not have video last night. I like this ski more all the time. I will try to get some this weekend. Hope you are not trying to ski like me. I am a ski test skier not a skier you want to copy.
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  • Baller
No, I'm not trying to mimic your style. (my hair is too short, anyway) I have been struggling with my counter and reach at the ball. The video of you skiing showed great extension and I was just using you to help visualize what I was trying to achieve.
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Believe it or not - I think I counter my shoulders too much. The farther your free hand moves from the handle, the farther you have to come back. The trick is the right amount of shoulder counter and or more hip counter (good luck me ever doing that)
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@Brent lost 10 lbs last winter and thing 67s are better if possible. Plan to lose another 10 this winter


@Steven Haines my spray is not a joke!

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If there is one think I learned from years of teaching Ski School, it is that Spray is the most important part of skiing. I say "if you make it, look at it". (but do not fall trying)


I thought this thread was about the SR2. I am going to take rides 9 & 10 to night. I want so see more of that white loop again. The 38 I ran Tuesday was not perfect but not that hard.

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  • Baller
Funny, I don't remember you ever teaching ski school. I remember you walking around, talking trash, refusing to get in or drive the boat, taking your rides, eating and going back in the house. I almost forgot...sleeping 14+ hours a day.
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hmmmm. How is the ski? Well I am only 12 rides in not counting the 2 I took on the SR1.


Really only 5 sets with the right numbers. Lets just say that I am on a honeymoon with the ski right now.

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