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PP hour meter question.


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  • Baller

Goofy question,

Does PP store the hours on the chip or is it somewhere else in the module. My 2000 ski gauges went out years ago and I discovered for the first time today that PP has an hour meter. I changed the chip several years back and I was wondering how accurate the PP meter was.


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  • Baller


Not sure on the current version, older versions when you reset or set in a new chip, you could manually program the hour meter. We religiously programmed the correct hour meter to help us keep up with the oil changes etc.

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  • Baller

I have the same gauges but the hour meter display still shows up on occasion. I use the PP hour meter as a reference but the 2 hour meters do not tally the same.


When my tach hour meter showed 302, 391, 416 and 473 hours - I read PP hour meter at those periods and it showed 283, 362, 384 and 435. Not sure why the discrepancy and uncertain if it is the same for other versions. Maybe tach hr meter is key on and the other is engine running?


My version is 6.4 in a 2002 SN 196 Ltd GT-40. Maybe I'll ask PerfectPass some day.

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