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Kyle Tate gets Pacemaker


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  • Baller

Kyle is recovering from having a pacemaker this morning. A week before Regionals he passed out sitting in a meeting and was rushed to the hospital. After a battery of test, a pacemaker was needed. He postponed the procedure until after the Big Dawg Finals.

What can he do with a good ticker?

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  • Baller

I am sure he will be fine. A quick story...several years ago I was running a marathon, and one of the guys from our training group said that he felt a little crappy part way through the race.


Turns out that he had a pacemaker (I didn't know) he goes to a pay phone, calls some center, puts the phone to his chest, they run some diagnostic through the phone, and adjust it through the phone. I am not making this up.


He goes back to running, and says that he feels much better...just needed an adjustment.


Those things are amazing...that was 15 years ago, imagine how great they are now.


Of course, I accused him of cheating!

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