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Water Ski Politics and BallOfSpray


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In the last few weeks there have been two threads on this forum about the politics of waterskiing. I think both of these threads are good for the sport and I appreciate both of the primary authors very much. Before we talk about politics much more I need let everyone know where I stand as the site administrator.


This website is now the single largest media source in our sport. I intend for it to be informative and entertaining. If you're going to criticize USA WaterSki, I insist that you attempt to present a complete set of facts before you expose your passion. I am not here to defend the organization but I am completely confident most people involved believe they're doing the best thing for the sport.


The one thing that I am unwavering on is that I do not want this website to be a source of false information about skiing or the politics of waterskiing. I also will not allow criticism for the fun of criticism. I will not allow personal attacks.


With all that said, we have some very passionate and very knowledgeable people on this forum. I want to encourage those members to openly discuss what is good and what is bad within the sport. I would only ask that these conversations maintain a professional tone. Honest disagreement and discussion is much more thought-provoking than bomb throwing.


For some reason Internet forums can bring out the worst in people. Generally this website is the exception. The primary reason for the four paragraphs above is that I intend to maintain the civility of this site without stifling the conversation.

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I agree. Unfortunately I did not set this site up that way in the beginning. I encourage everyone to go to their user account and add their real name and other data.


the thread on that subject is an example of how this website can be more entertainment than information.

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Hmmm that would be custom code. It would be better but as it is I do not see that anyone is really acting anonymous at the moment.


You may not know the names of all the users but I have a record and I think that is enough to keep a lot of BS out.


I have some ideas but they all mean an IT project.... I am already in the middle of one with the main site.

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Thanks @lpskier


I thought about this and I can add a field with your real name but what is to keep someone from being claiming to be Fred Flintstone? I can not check IDs. Fake names on the internet require Zero thought... heck if you ever get a PayPal invoice from membership@americanwaterskiassociation.com, you may want to not pay it.... I own that URL. That does give me some funny ideas....

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Do not make this about me. The only good that would come from that is the abuse I would take an other websites. That drives traffic here :- )



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  • Baller

The discussion of ANY kind of politics, and particularly NATIONAL politics, is nothing more than a total waste of time. There are only two potential outcomes - 1) we find that we agree on whatever it is we're arguing about, which just devolves into a bitch and whine session, or 2) we find that we disagree and end up pissing each other off. In either case nothing is gained and pissing each other off serves no good purpose IMO. You're not going to change my views, I'm not going to change your views, so what's the point? Adding political discussions to this forum in my opinion is a net negative. My $0.02.



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I'm trying to moderate the conversation on all of these threads about politics to create a conversation. If the result of the conversation exposes deficiencies, then“ sunshine is the best disinfectant". Perhaps the conversation only exposes perceived deficiencies at which point I would hope that the organization would think about its communications plan.


I am a lifetime member but the future of the organization is only important to me because the sport is important to me. I don't really care about my $80 (or whatever my fee is this year). I don't really care about Lake Grew because I will likely never ski there. I don't care about most of the other divisions. Collegiate is important and supporting disabled is the right thing to do but I have nothing in common with hydrofoil for racing. In fact I would like to be is far from ski racing is possible. Kneeboard? Really? I have nothing against those guys but we have nothing in common but the boat.


What I do care about is promotion and growth of the sport. If you're reading this and you are senior official or work for headquarters or on a board, please understand my first priority is promotion of waterskiing. This website is not here to make your life difficult. These conversations are an attempt to pull back the curtain and allow the membership to have an open conversation about our strengths and weaknesses.


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  • Baller_
Probably off topic, but pehaps insightful none the less. The successful motorsports sanctioning bodies (read poitics) are pretty much all dictatorships and don't have any direct comptitors (F1, NASCAR the two at the top). Most all of the series that faced internal strife, a split or multiple divisions competing head to head (IRL/CART, Grand AM/ALMS as two key examples) have almost managed to put each other out of business (and if you go who? to the ones mentioned, exactly my point). Not always liked and in many cases absolutely detested, the grand leader of any of these dictatorships does manage to keep the ship sailing in basically the correct direction and managed to have a huge legion of loyal fans and followers.
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My perspective is I cannot offer criticism without being part of the solution. I have offered some changes that I would like to see made to the benefit of the members and I am willing to put my time and effort into making those changes happen. I have been in contact with HQ and have visited various staff. I am willing to be part of anything that I suggest. I will keep my mouth shut about anything that I am not willing to participate in improving.
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@DW the key is those dictators are driven by business. Bernie and the France family are in it for the money. You can get pretty nimble when your choices impact your paycheck. If you make too many bad choices and lose fans you will be out of biz fast.
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