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New Ski Advice


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  • Baller

I am potentially in the market for a new ski and would love the advice of the "experts" on this board about a new ski. I am 33 almost 34 so I ski at 36mph as of now and weigh in around 200lbs (although shooting to get down to 190 by June 1). I run 15off fairly consistently in practice and can run 22off fairly often (50+% of the time) and occasionally have run 28 off although not very often. I obviously want to progress from this. I am on a 2007 D3 X7 (67.5) and generally like the ski, especially the stability, but do find it difficult to get the ski to come around quickly on my toe side turn so would like something with a little more snap around the turn. Being that the ski is now 5 years old I started to notice a little less snap and the handle ding I put in it has me worried that it might not hold up. I am not really interested in a Goode as I skied on one before and hardly knew how to stand on it, but open to other suggestions. Ski sizing is important as well as I feel the 67.5 was barely enough ski and I will be transitioning into 34mph end of next summer and want a ski that I can use for 3-5 years.


I am also open to a slightly used ski.


Thanks for any input you may have. Now off to read all of the ski tests.


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  • Baller

You are an '07 X5 (rather than X7)?


You'll probably receive a lot of suggestions to go with a Radar 68"; a good choice.


However the D3's will likely provide that turning ability you seek & coming off an X5, a stable ski would be a better transition.


If going for a new stick, think about the ride before you buy program with H2Osmosis; a Fusion might be worth a try.

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Since you are happy with D3 I would try the X7 first. It is in the same family as your old X5 (yes that must be a typo above). If you then try a Fusion you will see the ends of the spectrum. The Fusion is fast in all respects. It rides higher but is less forgiving. The Fusion is one of my favorite skis of all time but it is different from an X ski. The X skis are more work but always turn smooth and always get angle.


There is a trade off in there somewhere. There is no right answer.

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JDM, Im there with you on ability but ski at 34 mph being almost 51 so interested in your feedback. Just had a friend forward a sales note from Goode. Seems there trying to move out some old\new 9800's. The price is very Goode! got me thinking. You didnt like the Goode why not? Do others here use them. On one of our lakes there like a TV everyone has one, infact one is nine years old!
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  • Baller_
Great rides at a great price= HO Coafficiant Xsl 68 and Radar Vice 68. Can get new 2011s for $400-500 on sale. Even 2012 for less than $800. Great skis for the money. Both will take you a long way. Of course there is Ski-it-again.com.
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  • Baller
Yeah, that's exactly why I was asking. I just ordered one for my wife as well. I've had her on a 67" Strada55, but she keeps dropping weight after baby #2. So I picked up one of the 66" Sixams for her knowing whatever Sixam we receive will be money. I'm also pretty excited to give her old Strada a go!
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