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How do you warm up / stretches?


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Hey Guys,


I suffer a lot from my back and I don't know the reason of it. Maybe it is because I didn't use to warm up or stretch when I first started to ski, and for holding on to all slacks. When I ski a lot, I get a lot of tension and soreness on my upper back, just beneath my shoulder blades -- so I was wondering what stretches and warmups for your entire body, especially your back, do you use? -Thank you

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  • Baller
I used to never stretch, but now that I'm old, I stretch every day, not just when I ski. I feel a lot better from it. The one that makes my back feel best is laying on my back with my knees up and rolling them to the side and holding for about ten secs each side.
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I used to get really nasty tension in my upper back when I was on the steep part of the learning curve and working on 36/-15 and 36/-22. I think this may have been caused by stiffness in my body position. One season it just never happened and I've been free of that particular ailment for years since.


However, this "cure" also coincided with a more serious back problem that caused me start going to a chiropractor and a massage therapist fairly regularly, a routine that I have kept up ever since. So another possibility is that those guys cured the problem.


The cheap thing that I can recommend is a lot of scapula retraction exercises to strengthen all of those muscles, which is also a really good thing for preventing shoulder problems. Pretty much any physical therapist and many physical trainers can show you a variety of such exercises, most of which seem to involve stretchy bands rather than weights.


That reminds me, I broke my stretchy band! Gotta go buy one of those before my shoulders problems come back!!

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  • Baller

Brisk walk down the lake to check condtions. Some karoyke and lunge walk. (Rotation withe the lunge walk) A few push ups with a twist. Some hamstring and forearm flexor stretches. Go ski.


Overall. Your warm up should be more dynamic to warm up the entire system. Static stretches are after for any problem areas.

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  • Baller
I stretch everything I can, arms legs back, shoulders. Go as far as you can in your range of motion, hold for 2-3 seconds, rest, repeat, but increase the range of motion. I do a couple of short sprints up and down the yard before hitting the water. Stretch again afterwards, especially if you are over age 30..
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