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Amazing Performance at Trophy Lakes This weekend


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  • Baller

I just got home from my first Trophy tournament and had a great weekend. But the highlight of the weekend belongs to a M1 skier from Australia named Joel Howley.


Prior to this weekend, Joel had run 38 in a tournament ONCE. Then on Saturday, he did it again, setting a new PB by scoring 4@39! Quite an amazing accomplishment. However, the story doesn't end there. Fast forward to Sunday.....just one day after his SECOND tournament 38, Joel comes out and RUNS 39!!!!


He's been working at Cobles this summer. He apparently had run 39 in practice a bunch this past week. However, he's never even stood behind the boat at 41 bc the shortest rope at the ski school stops at 39. So he took a crack at 41 for the first time ever and ended up getting 1/2. Amazing skiing with an even more amazing story behind it. I won't be surprised if we all hear more about Joel in the near future.



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  • Baller

Dadgum it, you beat me to that story. Talked to Joel a fair amount at the tournament, very nice young man. After he ran 39, he said "that's the first time I've run 39 that I didn't think I was going to die!". I'm not sure he knows how good he really is, very humble and polite.



All the gang that came to the tournament from Cobles was a great group of young skiers.


Webbdawg99, I probably drove you one round.

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  • Baller

Adam Webb, M2 skier here. I noticed Joel wears a helmet when he skis....not sure of the story there. However, I do find it VERY interesting that he took it off for that last 39 off pass! And yes, the entire group from Coble was great. I love how they all cheered each other on and all ran down the shore to meet Joel after his 1/2@41. It was an awesome thing to see!


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  • Baller
I didn't ask him, but someone from his group (I think) said he had a busted eardrum or 2 (or more). He said the chin strap broke before the 39 pass and it felt weird to ski without it. Apparently fairly new to running 38 and 39.
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  • Baller

FYI Current Australian Open Mens record is 2@10.25m (41) Held by Nick Adams.

Coble Staff are always a good group to be around and work with. Been good enough to have 2 come "Down Under" and stay, work and Ski with me. Can't wait to get back there again!

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  • Baller
I just spent a week at Cobles and spent alot of time with Joel coaching me, he is one of the nicest guys I have ever met, not cocky at all about his skiing, absolutly PERFECTED my 28 and got me to get a few really good looks at 32. He did not take his helment off for the 39 at trophy, the buckle was coming off and he just said screw it and knocked it off. He plans to break the Austrailian U21 record very soon (3@39) and the open mens after that (2@41). After watching him ski a few times from the boat I know he will hold these records very soon... Watch out Nate!! Got another M1 skier to compete with!
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  • Baller
I just heard that Joel smashed the Austalian Under 21 record and tied the Australian Open record yesterday at Trophy. He ran 2@41.....beating the old U21 record by FOUR balls! The records are still pending. Awesome skiing and a huge congrats to Joel. I guess he really likes Trophy Lakes!
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  • Baller

Thanks for the support...


My 2.5@41 was officially approved and so was Nick's 4@41 so I held the record for about 3 weeks.


I'm planning to head back to the states in a few months and my body is feeling better than ever so let's hope I can have another good season.

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