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Masterline Pro lock Failures?


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  • Baller

This is the second pair that I have had fail in the last 6 weeks, the strap always gives way right at the wrist. I love these gloves. I have a few older pair 1 - 3 seasons old that are still usable and I do use them as backups.


Has anyone else been experiencing this type of failure. It was the right hand glove both times.

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  • Baller

Blew one last week same way after taking WAY too much ball and shooting the handle. Had also worn a hole in the glove material as had been wearing them all season so they did have a lot of sets on them. Having said that, I had multiple pairs of clinchers go multiple seasons w/no failures. It seems the Pro-locks are not quite as durable the clinchers were.

I still think the benefits outweigh the liabilities.

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  • Baller_
Strongly suggest moving to the Radar Vice "clincher gloves" Far better build, far better materials, far better design. Believe it or not, Radar took the clincher concept and raised the bar WAY up. Easier to put on. Much more comfortable (wider, cushier wrist strap). More durable. On and on. I've used both the old clinchers and the ML. Radar is hands down THE best and I hope they never stop making them. If you find yourself at a pro-shop, try a pair of ML on and then the Radars. Truly no comparison and a no brainier.
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  • Baller_
@6balls. The ML's work well for work gloves after you cut off the strap. Won't be good for much of anything else once you try the Radars. Geeez, I should get a kick back or something. Seriously, I'm not one to tout a product but these are really really good if you a clincher guy. There is somewhat of a size dif though. I found the Radars to fit tighter than the ML but I like that. ML seemed to get lose when wet. Radars do not. I have a M in both. I would suggest making a fist before locking down the short strap on top of the hand. It can be over tightened and you wont know you've over tightened it till its to late and it can stress out the seam a bit where the strap is stitched to the glove. Other than that (and now you know so non issue) after 6 months with them..... no issues or wear.
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  • Baller
@wish the day I broke the strap I cut it off and kept skiing. Looking forward to the Radar gloves...I was not excited until your post. Strangely, Radar makes a hell of a 3 place tube for the kids as well...best tube I have ever owned.
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  • Baller_
@skibug were you able to try on different sizes?? I was perplexed wether I should go with the really snug fit of the M or a little lose of the L (which felt like ML med). Snug fit much better but the strap in top of my hand cannot be stretched to where you think it should go. My goes half way. That's the reason for the making a fist suggestion. Love the snug fit (in store felt tight) having picked the mediums.
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  • Baller
@Wish, last year I was at Performance Ski & Surf and tried all of them on side by side. I couldn't get the radars to fit right. The size I needed to get the correct finger length were too tight across the hand; meaning I couldn't even get them on. The next size up fit across the hand (tight) but the glove fingers were too long; meaning I couldn't get the tips of my fingers to the end of the glove, leaving the doll part of the glove too floppy. maybe I shoudl try again and see if I can make them work.
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  • Baller
I have bought a new pair every year for the last 3 years and have never had that happen or seen that happen to anyone. I would say buy a new pair every season, grip the handle with your fingers and it wont put stress on the lower part of the strap.
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Really like the ML but noticed with the new pair (with the metal "d" rings)

has a different fit. Longer web strap and tighter across the palm so the strap after 20 sets or so is already too long and starting to "bunch" up when I come back on the handle. No failures ...........boy that seems like it would take a lot of loading to have it tear off. The Radar fit issue was the same for me. Med (Clinch and ML size) was too small and Lg was too big!?

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  • Baller
The Radar's are much, much better in use than the ML's. In the shop just trying them on it seemed like the ML's would be better but the strap bunched up on me after just a couple of sets and the overall fit and performance went out the window pretty much right after they got wet.
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  • Baller
This is bump and update for those who might encounter the same issue I had with the strap blowing out. I talked to Randy Shoener at Masterline today. He told me that they can add a reinforcement strap the the Pro Locks so that they won't blow out. Apparently this is what they do for Jonathan Travers. I don't think it is advertised as an option though; so, you would probably have to call Masterline directly.
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  • Baller

@mattp it's just frustrating...the clinchers were really durable. I don't put sets on the boat like @razorskier1. I get out pretty reliably 4X/week on avg, some are one setters, some two and usually 6 passes or so/set. At that rate, I shouldn't be popping seams at 2 weeks.

The first pair did last 1/2 season before strap blow out...that I could accept.

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  • Baller
The issue is not to get them too small - same thing w/ the prior version (Clinchers). If they are too small, it puts too much leverage on the strap. ML made some improvements to this year's version and mine have held up great.
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  • Baller
Hopefully the special request reinforced strap from Masterline will solve the problem. I wonder how many skiers just don't report the failures and buy another pair? More skiers should give constructive feed back so that they can improve the product. It is one I hope to continue using.
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  • Baller

@jdarwin and @skibug - I also tried the medium Radars and couldn't get them to fit right. Had to got back to the ML which were a little on the "loose side", but at least I could ski. Both size M. Maybe I wil try a size large in the Radars and see how that goes. Expensive "experiment" tho.


The clinchers were great, fit perfect, oh well.

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  • Baller

Blew another strap today on the ML's, though less upset given it was too much 1 ball at 39 (meaning I ran my 3rd 38 this year...yeehaw). Have one pair of used but decent shape clinchers so going back that way until I get my Radars. Not spending another dime on the ML's.


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  • Baller

ML seems a lot harder to put on than my Clinchers. My most recent pair of Locks have the back strap caddywumpas and only pulls on one half of the metal piece where it doubles back.


I normally wear XXL Masters Curves and XL ML Pro Locks.


What size Radars should I order?


Also, on clincher-tupe gloves that your fingers extend too much, I was shown a trick by a long time Clincher user. Get a high quality glue and glue the strap by the fingers down and put a clamp on it, he said closing a door on it works too. This shortens up the strap and closes your grip slightly.

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  • Baller
Are all these failures only from this years crop of gloves? I've got 3 pair I bought at the beginning of last season - kinda wore one pair out, am working on the 2nd pair, still have one brand new pair in reserve. I've never had an issue which is what makes me wonder if this is specific to this years production. And I'm bending handles in half :>) so I'm loading them plenty hard enough...
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  • Baller

Put on the old clinchers tonight. They do not fit as well as the ML's in terms of how they feel on my hands, but didn't blow out thru an ugly 5.25 @ 38. Also on the clinchers on my 35 tail couldn't get my release hand off at 5 ball so ran it two handed with a long pull around 6.

I like the fit/feel of the ML's but durability an issue. Thanks @skibug will try the replacement plan with extra reinforcement.

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My Radars look more like a spaghetti strainer but still feel good. many seams opened up and some holes but still better then my old clinchers. I did go a lot tighter with the Radars.

I need to get some more and some new handles. Next time I go past Silver Spray.

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  • Baller
Sent two pairs of ML's in yesterday after talking with Randy in customer service. Sounds like may have been a bad batch and they will likely replace. Should have my shot at some Radar's by the weekend. The old clinchers have run my last two 3 sets without issue.
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