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Achellies surgery


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I had it done late in '09. I could gently snow ski after about 5 months, but wouldn't want to water ski for at least 6 months. I lost a lot of muscle mass and strength in my calf, but it doesn't affect my skiing. If I was still playing volleyball and soccer, it would have had an impact. I could have done better on my rehab, but my insurance ran out pretty quickly, so i had to stop seeing the physical therapist. Stay with the PT and I bet you can get back close to 100% if you are young...


This website has good information. Good Luck


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  • Baller

T8 - good luck with you're recovery and rehab! Maybe we can check in with each other once in a while. I am just one week post op for reconnecting a completely torn achilles. Everything went very well with my surgery and I should have second cast removed next Tuesday (12 days post op) and be fitted into a special boot that will be used to gradual bring my foot from slightly pointing down to a normal position. Expect to begin putting weight back on the foot a week after getting the boot.

Was your injury ski related?


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Hey guys add me to your group. I tore mine last Sunday while skiing. I was coming up to 5 ball at 35 and the next thing I know I'm flying through the air, bouncing on the water. I could tell there was something wrong with my ankle right away. Got to the platform and cut the binding off to find my foot just feeling like it was just dangling there. I still can't believe I didn't pick up that I was going to hit it and be able to pull up. I was using the D3 Leverage binding with rear toe plate. I went out the front and never came out of the binding.

Got surgery on Tuesday and I am going Aug 2nd to have a new cast put on. Allot of pain first 24 hours even with percocet then it quieted down quite a bit. My doctor wants to put me in a cast for about 5 more weeks instead of the boot. He said I would come out then and begin PT. I asked about the boot and he says he feels the cast will protect against a re-tear. After talking to a couple of people who had this said by having the boot you at least start exercising your leg and begin getting flexibility in your foot sooner. I have no interest in skiing this year but would like to get off crutches as soon as I can.

T8 you said you are having your 2nd cast removed at 12 days post op. I left the hospital with a cast and will second one at 11 days post op. When did you get the second one? What are your doctors recovery protocols for the Achilles?

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Had surgery Friday the 13th. Second cast Monday. We have not talked in length about the whole process. Ill get my next step Monday. In skiing tems, I'm taking it one pass at a time.

Due to evolution we use to have 2 tendons. Modern times some have a extra tendon and some do not. You can have an extra tendon in one foot and not the other. I had a extra tendon so he used the extra tendon to give my torn tendon extra strength.

They did a nerve block while in surgery that lasted for about 18 hours. I had very little pain.

So far my rehab has been p90x ab ripper, pull ups and push ups. It makes me feel alive.

Today was the hardest day on the couch, M4 skied regionals today!

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@T8skier, That sucks about ur injury, looks like u were tearing it up this year. Looks like u have gotten a handle on the purple monster. Care to share any secrets, were u still ridin that mid ride? I feel ur pain Jon, just back to skiing myself after 2nd shoulder surgery in 2 years. Good luck with ur recovery.
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Finally listened to Kyle. At 38 your body doesn't need to go around the buoy, just the ski. This gave me more space into 1 ball.

I'm done with Powershell!! I think the Nano is a great ski, but I'm going to get on something with inserts. Maybe the Nano 1. I'll see how Kyle likes it when he gets his. We usually like the same ski and setup. He just does it better.

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  • Baller

T8, MikeT - I was on 9800, with Animals mounted on G10 plate. I had been making repairs on old red, black and white Animals, but on the day I popped the AT, I had mounted a new Animal on the front. After 28 pass, I thought it was awefully tight and loosened the rear strings a bit before starting 32 pass. I'm right foot foward, and sometimes push too much on the front at 1 -3 side. At 3 I did push a little, lunged a little forward, but my front foot couldn't lift at all with the new boot and I felt the pop. I was able to remove the wrap and get my foot out.

So - T8 did this with Powershells, I did it on Animals (though I blame my skiing the most for sure) and Mike was using D3 Leverage. So, what might be better?

Did you guys pop the AT on the front or back foot?

Best wishes to both of you for a speedy and full recovery!!

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Right front foot. 5 ball

2 weeks before, at a tourney, I got on front of the ski at one ball on opener and binding released. Put it back on and it released after a hard turn 2@38. Both times it should not have released. Went home replaced dual lock. This time I needed it to release it didn't. I also fractured my inside ankle bone as a bonus.

I think I am going to the reflex with the strap. That system is more predictable and the strap might protect the achellies.

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zman, T8-It was my front foot. Not sure what binding I will go back to. we are thinking of going to the bubble buoy now. Gave it some thought before but our club never had a serious discussion about it. Also, spoke to my surgeon today and I'm getting a fiberglass cast next thursday, returning the following week for another look and either the boot or the same cast. my surgeon believes in staying in the cast for 6 weeks. I've spoke to him about using the boot earlier and he said he would consider it. I guess i'd be in a boot 10 wks out anyway. I've done some internet research as maybe you all have and have seen studies that promote using the boot after two weeks and allowing slow weight bearing. I have no interest in skiing until next year but would like to be free of the crutches as soon as possible. I'll be pulling for you guys and I will keep posting my progress and look forward to hear yours. In closing I will have the image of the 5@38 in practice the last time out. going to miss regionals and nationals.

I also have had three eye operations over the last year or so to correct and eye muscle problem that causes double vision. i actually ski with sport glasses, no lenses and tape over the right eye to stop the double vision. I've been dealing with this for 3 years now. I've gotten totally used to skiing with one eye however. Not allot of good scores last year though. I was getting back into form last week after a May 11 eye operation.

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I have read the two tracks for recovery. I have plenty of time. The 6 month results from what I've read shows strength and mobility to be the same at that point. I would like to start working on range of motion early. At least I feel like I am moving forward.

The only time the cast bothers me is at night when in bed. Maybe it because I think about it more.

Ben Favret tore his playing basketball 2 years ago about this time and was skiing the next spring %100 recovery.

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Update. Removed cast. Took staples out. Didn't hurt at all. Felt like a hair was being pulled.

Tried to talk him into a boot. No go! Back in cast until the 16th. Depending on the amount of tendon damage is when you go to boot. Incision looked good. Swelling down. MikeT did surgery go well?

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  • Baller

T8 - the cast was annoying for me trying to sleep as well. Have about three pillows so I can prop leg up in several ways as I toss around during the night.

Update for today, 12 days post-op. I hope this isn't too much detail for you and Mike.

Cast came off today. About 4 inch incision looked real good, so Dr removed the stitches and just crossed the incision with a covering of thin tape strips to give a little support as the incision continues to heal.

My foot is now in a boot which I can remove when I lay awake on the couch and for ice packs. I need the boot back on any time I get up or sleep for protection of the tendon. Still no weight bearing.

I start rehab with 50% or less weight bearing in one more week, 19 days post-op.

Seems to be progressing well so far - knock on wood.

Hope you guys are doing well also! Stay in shape and dream of spring time! zman

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  • Baller

I completely ruptured my rear (left) achilles on June 2nd. I had surgery on June 7th. So I am basically 8 weeks out. I had a half cast for the first 3 weeks and then a full cast for the next three weeks. I thought they were going to put me in another cast but instead on they put me in the boot. At that point I started PT and was suppose to start walking on it. They said in 3 days I would be off my crutches. I thought they were crazy. But in 3 days I no longer needed my crutches. I go back to the Ortho Surgeon this Friday and I'm hoping I don't have to wear the boot any longer. At home I take the boot off and keep it off. I'm religious about doing my PT excersizes at home. As a result the Physical Therapists are amazed at my range of motion and strength. Also workout my upper body almost daily. I don't want to turn into a fat, out-of-shape, tub of lard. (Horton?!? Just kidding.:) I may be able to snowski this winter. But what they said I have to watch out for is I will feel like I'm 100% when its really not. Many people, because they don't feel pain, jump back into things to quickly and really mess it up. They said as long as I don't do anything stupid, I can get back to 100%. But if I jump back to quickly and reinjure myself I could really mess myself up and never be 100%.



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Hey do any of the "victims" here think that either the low-pressure Wally buoys or the Goode Bubble Buoys would have prevented your injury?


MikeT and I are planning to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen, and install some safer buoys. We're torn between Wally and Bubble. Any thoughts?

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  • Baller
@Bogan I am not familiar with Wally buoys. I certainly see the value of the Goode Bubble Buoys to help eliminate injuries from hitting a buoy. In my case, I simply drove the front of the ski too hard on toe side turn.
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@Bogan - shhhh. I know - it's embarrassing to get hurt without any help. lol

The only thing that contributed along with a the lunge forward was the new front boot I had just put on the ski had no give in the heel. I'll need to address that before next spring - and of course my occassional getting too much on the front of the ski on 1-3-5.

I start rehab on Monday!

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@Than Bogan I've skied and run over both the bubble buoys and the Wally buoys (in fact I ran over the exact same buoy @skibug posted pictures of in another thread). Both performed similarly in terms of reducing impact energy and, therefore, potential injury. So to answer your question in terms of performance, I'd say they are functional equivalants. There's plenty of other information advice about cost/color/maintanence on this forum.


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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan- My achilles in '09 rupture would not have happened with bubble buoys. I hit an air filled 2 ball on a late shortline pass, and my ski went airborn. When it hit the water on the way down in a kind of lateral direction was when my achilles popped. I don't think a bubble buoy would have sent my ski airborn.
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Quick update: Cast did come off on 7/31 (12 days post op): stitches came out too, incision looked very good (healing-wise). Boot with about one inch of heal lift (plantar flexion) was installed.

Allowed to take boot off when relaxing at home; on when sleeping or up on crutches. Was allowed to take 2 day business trip on 8/2 to Louisiana. Will have my first PT session tomorrow, 8/6. Plan is for 3 PT sessions a week to start with.

My rupture was 100%, but seems it was a clean tear with no other damage. (Not sure if that helps any with my recovery).

Hope all you guys are moving forward well with your rehabs.

@Garn - are you walking without boot or crutches now?

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Had first two PT sessions this week, and another tomorrow. Sessions are limited to pointing toes down and then back up to foot neutral position. Then foot movements side to side with toes down in plantarflexion position. This is followed with deep massage all around the injured area, then an ice down. We will kick it up a notch starting next week with some partial weight bearing with boot on. Small strides, but definitely moving forward.

@T8skier @MikeT - hope all is going well with you guys. @Garn too!

@Garn - can you provide a little update on your progress since you are about 6-8 weeks ahead of us? You are our beacon!

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Surgery went well according to my surgeon. Started in a splint then to a cast at about 9 days. 15 days post op. Incision needs one more week of heal time to remove staples. Back in cast until Aug 16 (23days post op) and hoping to get the boot next week. My incision has a minor on and off slight burning sensation feel to it but otherwise ok. Kind of like any large cut I would think. Hard to imagine being able to put weight on it, but great to see you guys starting your PT.

@Garn, how is it walking with the boot?

Glad to see everyone is progressing!

Looking to next years ski seaon. Went to East Regionals this weekend and talked to a few people about a better release binding. Few people spoke highly about the Reflex Classic front binding designed to go with RTP. Radar Strada front was suggested as well. Any thoughts. I'm not a hard shell skier

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I already mentioned how at 6 weeks they put me in a boot and I started PT and walking on it. Walking in a boot was difficult at first but got better each day. I didn't believe them when they said in 3 days I wouldn't need my crutches at all. But to my surprise and delight they were right. I absolutely HATED crutches. Now Its been slightly over 9 weeks since the injury, and slightly under 9 weeks since my surgery. Last Friday, August 3rd, I met with my surgeon again and he took me completely out of the boot. So I'm back in regular shoes walking on it 100%. My range of motion is great. But the strength is not. So I'm doing strengthening excersizes now in addition to my range of motion excersizes. Compared to my right ankle, my left is still very stiff and I still limp. I try to walk naturally as that helps work the ankle where limping won't. My foot is also still quite swollen so I keep that shoe pretty lose. I'm also going to get a compression sock at the suggestion this morning of my Physical Therapist. That should help with the swelling. This past week my family went on our annual trip to Starvation Resevoir (in eastern Utah). I've just been driving the boat all Summer. But for the first time since the injury I actually hydrofoiled (SkySki/Air Chair). In addition to skiing, we are a big hydrofoiling family. I'm strapped in both at the waste and the feet. I figured if I didn't go nuts it shouldn't be a problem. And it wasn't! After just watching all Summer if felt incredible to actually be able to do something. NO pain at all. Didn't even stress it. I started off slow but before I knew it I was going for big air and everything. It was great! I did resist the temptation to throw an invert though. I thought that would be pushing it. Besides, my wife would have killed me if I did. So all in all, after 9 weeks, I'm feeling pretty good. I still probably won't be skiing until next year though.



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18 days post op. I undertand the swelling will there for awhile. I'm 18 days post op and when i put my foot down I feel the blood rushing down to it, I feel an increase in the swelling and color to my foot. I put the foot back up and it subsides. How is that part been for you guys? I was told the swelling will begin to decrease when you start weight bearing. When did you begin to feel relief in the swelling pressure and different stages.
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  • Baller

@MikeT - 23 days post-op. I had that same "pressure" feeling for a while. Day by day it has diminished. And, when it did happen, it would start to feel better after I was up a while. At 23 days, this has pretty much subsided, or at least very tolerable now. Hang in there.

I do try to get as much "leg elevated" time as possible and believe that is very important at this stage. With your cast still on you should try to put ice packs behind your knee while you are lying down, several times or more a day (maybe you are).

I still swell some as well when I am not horizontal. But, I can remove the boot when I do get horizontal - which lets me put a large ice pack on it and the swelling goes away fast.

I also get a little of that on and off burning sensation right above my heel - more annoying than it is painful, esp when trying to get to sleep.

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@Zman thanks for the information. sounds like you are having the same experience I am having. I've done a little icing above and below the cast and I will increase that at your suggestion. The problem I've developed because I keep my leg up on a pillow allot is that my knee becomes very stiff when I try to bend it. Doesn't take long to loosen but it does it everytime I have it up. Do you have that situation with your knee?

Are you doing any exercises? I have been doing pushups, situps and arm curls once twice daily to feel like I'm trying to stay in shape and add to that the workout we are getting going around on crutches every day. When I'm sitting or in a car I hold my leg up in a horizontal position trying to work the quads on the bad leg.


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  • Baller

@MikeT Be sure to keep some support under your knee when you leg is elevated to keep stress off the knee. See if you can bunch a pillow up behind your knee nad keep it bent some.

Sounds like you are doing better than me exercising, I'm doing pretty much the same, just not as often. I have a Parabody home gym, so have been doing some bench presses, lat pull downs, etc. a couple times a week.

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24 days post op. Cast is finally off, in boot. Start range of motion. See doc in 2 weeks and start pt.

Kinda bummed, after reading other post. I feel I am behind on recovery! I don't know if my rupture was worse or my doc is just conservative.

If I can't walk, I can't work. He said I would be pushing it to be in a shoe by Oct 1.

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  • Baller
Unless your doc or PT therapist is sports oriented, they won't understand your rehab requirements. It's your life and body, it's up to you to explain your needs to them and then they should be able to provide the proper care and rehab. At least this has worked for me in the past.
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  • Baller

@T8skier Great to hear your cast is off! Although, I have found the boot more difficult to sleep in than the cast was - bigger and bulkier and all the velcro.

I am not sure you are behind any. I spoke with my Dr and it seems our recovery methods - though different - do not necessarily mean either is faster. The main difference I see is that I may be starting to move the foot around a little sooner and my end up with just slightly less atrophy. Not sure how your leg looked after getting the cast off, but even after only 2-1/2 weeks, I lost a little over an inch of calf muscle girth. I am still using crutches and no weight bearing. It is nice to take the boot off when I am just lying around - but only when I'm awake.

I thought you were a lil longer post-op? Sure you didn't miss a week?

Good luck with the boot and the start of your PT!

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23 Days post op and cast was removed, staples were removed and I now have a boot. I have to wait till 42 days to bear weight. I can do range of motion execises at home with the boot off and ice it down as much as possible. My doc is a little more conservative. He wanted me in a cast for six weeks but I requested a boot and he agreed. Glad to be in a boot after three weeks. I was hoping to begin weight bearing after 4 weeks but 2 more weeks of healing will be better in the long run. I haven't measured my calf and thigh but it appears to be a little smaller. good luck guys. I'm looking forward to the pt and begining to work out for next years ski season
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After doing a lot of reading on recovery protocol. I have decided to start walking with my boot. I am 5 weeks from surgery. After cast came off at week 4, I worked on range of motion at least once a hour since I still can't return to work. Thursday I started crutch assisted walking. Saturday a little without but had problems because my boot made my leg longer making it hard to walk. Monday I cut straps off flip flop and dual locked ( found something it is good for)it to my shoe to level my legs. Workes great! Still not walking all the time.

Back to doctor Monday.

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  • Baller

@T8skier We are similar. I am 4 weeks and 5 days post-op (July 19th). A week ago I started approx. 50% weight bearing walking with the boot and crutches. My PT has been mostly focused on ROM and massaging my ankle area. They have me do a number of easy movements to keep increasing the range of motion. As of today's PT visit I am pretty much back to normal on side to side range and also on pointing my toes down (plantarflexion). I have also progressed from almost no ability to raise my toes to where I can now move my foor up about 6 degrees (versus 10-12 normal).

Whiel walking with the boot and crutches, they emphasize a good, normal stride and keeping my foot pointed forward.

Are you getting in some sessions with a PT?

Some of the movements they have me doing are: simple side to side movements bending at the ankle - first doing this with the foot pointing down some, then a few days later with the foot at neutral; point foot down, and then back up (but not to the point of any sharp pain); circular motions with the foot; "writing" the alphabit with the big toe without moving the leg, just foot movements; and "towel crunches" - sitting in a chair, foot on a towel on the floor and curl toes like trying to scrunch the towel towards the heal.

Many of these seem silly on hand, but I see improved movements and ROM each day.

I hope to be in a shoe next week with a heal lift and still only partial weight bearing for another week or so.

Best wishes to you and Mike and Garn.

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No pt yet. I ask him at 4 week post op visit, he said wait. Went to one last week dust for a consult. Was not clear on how much I should push the range of motion. He gave me the same thing you are doing. I'm doing that at home. Walking with out crutches feels fine. No pain or feel of the tendon stretching. I always have my crutches with me. I'm not walking around all day without crutches.

@Zman. Do you feel as if there is tape on your Achilles pulling your skin when you lift your toe up?

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  • Baller

@T8skier Not exactly. Maybe that is one side benefit of the early PT, keeping things from 'binding up a bit'. I do have tightness between the inside ankle bone and the tendon area. So, maybe this is a little of what you are talking about.

I do think the "pulling" you are talking about will go away pretty quick once they start working on some active ROM exercises and massaging the tendon area for you.


T8 - what do you think about you, Mike, Garn and I exchanging emails and use email to keep up on how everyone is doing? I was just wondering if others really wanna hear about our "injury details". I guess they can just not open this thread? Your thoughts?

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