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How do kids do it?


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  • Baller

So we were fooling around last week and one of my ski partners dared me to go out long line 30mph. Knowing that @skidawg tried long line 36, I thought what the hell.


Holy crap! That was the hardest thing I've ever done! The wake is WIIIIIIDE!. Like it feels like it's a football field wide! lol. I was laughing so hard I almost fell at every buoy.

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  • Gold Member

Can we bring a custom 76" ski for this event? :)


I can see that being a blast, but Chef23 is right that folks should probably get to start wherever they want. Off the top of my head, I think I'd want to start about about 52k/long. I *think* I could make 49k, 46k, and maybe 43k, but 40k (about 25 mph) starts to seems very dubious -- at least without a custom giant ski.

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