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MS should try this ski....


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  • Baller_
I will be fortunate enough to ski with my Italian friends for the next 3 weeks here in FL. Stephano is looking for a new ride. He has set and then broke the Italian over 35 record this season. Somewhere down 41off. He has done this on an old Monza (@MS pay attention) and old rubber bindings. He has been on the hunt for a new ski for two years and goes back to the Manza (sound familiar). Today he tried the HO Coefficient Xsl. Second set (first set stock then fin tweak) he went right up the string to 2@39. There is no doubt in my mind he will go deep 39 this week if not run it. His comments... "much easier on the body" "I buy it". Ok maybe not a detailed review but buying a ski at his level after testing a quiver of sticks and giving this one a go only twice says a lot. So if there is anyone out there looking for a great ride that does not sit atop the so called high end big buck skies, you may want to give this ski a serous look. Maybe even @MS
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  • Baller_
Oh..... they had their summer this yr and then some. Was in MN 10 days over 4th of July. Normally looking to get out of the summer heat of FL. Was 5-10 degrees warmer in Southern Canada (MN) then it was in FL. Not cool.....in more ways then one.
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  • Baller

@MS Had my retirement flight as a A330 Capt. on Oct 2007 and have not been on an airplane since. 30 plus years with the Airlines and 10 as a Fighter Pilot, plus over 30 flying airshows. Never want to go through a security line again. Now it is ski, ski, ski. Push a button and the cover goes up. Flip a lever and the boat goes down. Thats all the technical knowledge I need.


May come by next year on a Motorhome Ski Vacation around the US, right after nationals and take you up on that.......ED


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  • Baller_

After some fin tweaking And 5-6 sets on the HO CoXsl, Stephano ran straight up the line for a full

pass @39. His word- "less on the body then the Monza" aka.. less effort required. From the drivers seat 38-39 felt semetrical and no slack lines. Well, some slack outa 6 @39 but not to shabby.

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