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Slot Fin / Yes - No ?

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

I've liked it on every ski I've tried it on (RCX, Z7, Z7ST & Elite). I've been on the stock Elite fin all this year, but will be giving the speed-slot a try again this fall.


I'm surprised more people don't use it. I suspect not being able to share setup info readily with others is an issue, as is the ever-present "set-it-and-leave-it" condemnnation lurking on docks everywhere.

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  • Baller

The Speed Slot Fin:



Excellent point, @Mr.Jones, and the main reason I spent this year on the stock fin. Still, I've liked it a lot in the past so will try it again during play time this fall. I can't help but wonder if it might have been better received if invented by someone else, like say Goode or LaPoint.

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