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Nano One Ski Test days 7 and 8


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Until this year I roughly knew how many 38s I had run in my life. In the last few weeks I have totally lost count. Since I got on the N1 I can only tell you how many rides I have tried to run 38 and not run it. That number is 2. First ride last night was one of those rides.


Twice since I got on the N1 I have gone from cooler water to warmer water and had trouble. Last night was the second time. On my first set last night nothing was working from my opening pass on. No width, no angle no love. I messed with the ZO and thought about my stack and gate. Still no good.


I really did not want to mess with fin or binding settings so I simply took the wing off. Boom! Pow! Fixed! Second set I ran straight through 38. Easy as pie.

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I've been thinking about trying it with no wing as well. The ski certainly doesn't seem to need help slowing down. And it's more stable than any other ski I've been on, so the other main function of a wing may also be unnecessary.


But I don't think I'll get to that experiment for a while. I don't want to mess with it before my last tournament of this calendar year on Sunday.

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Yes i buy it.

You may be out of the range for the standard size ski. There is a bigger one.

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  • Baller
That was what I was thinking. Gonna try to hop on a 67 D3 here shortly when I can get over to try one I know of. I need to change the plate on my rear binding to make it work with the hole pattern on this other ski. I think the 68 makes me want to push the ski around rather than let it do its job.
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  • Baller

@sunvalleylaw one of the reasons, I opted for the N1, was that it covered a wide weight range, does away with that should, I buy a 66" or 67" if your weight fluctuates between the two.

The N1 is way ahead of where I,m skiing at the moment, but at least I do not have to ask the question, am I on the right size ski.

The surgery I had, seems to be holding up, it would be nice to get back to where I was at, hoping the N1 will help me on my way.

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  • Baller

@Horton.... Man I find this kinda funny. Some much of the talk on thIs website is, "move the binding back 1/8" "for a better heal side move the binding 1/6" "Try moving the DFT .009" "Try moving the depth from 2.456 to 2.467"

Not Horton, cold water, wing at 9, warm water, wing at... Chuck wing!

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@bhs what ever works. I have NEVER had to adjust for water temp before. All I wanted was a little more speed. The choice seems obvious to me. I like my major settings, why change them?
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I was laughing about what @BHS said and my wife says... you don't change fins and bindings much, you change skis.
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  • Baller

@Horton, yeah I think I would have gone from 9deg to 8.75 on the wing when the water temp dropped below 87deg!

So Tuesday, new ski day, is right around the corner and it's time for you to jump on a new ski. You can send me the N1 for further testing.... You have my address.

Thanks John!

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@Than Bogan

Way off topic but if you want I can change your user name to @ThanVBogan and you will get notifications when anyone uses @Than_Bogan in a post. It does not work now because of the space

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Don't think I really care about notifications, but I also don't care if you want to change it. The V is wacky, though. ThanBogan or Than_Bogan are fine.


I recognized yours as sarcasm. Are you saying bhs's was also? If so, then I'll do my best Sheldon immitation and say "Ha ha."


Nevertheless, I was shocked by the lack of sensitivity to the wing angle. On other skis, going from 7 to 8 felt completely different. In fact, I bet I actually could have detected a 1/4 degree change on my 9900. Definitely a 1/2.

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