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Dallas Ft. Worth Water Ski School


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Took my first ever lesson yesterday at this school in Greenville TX just outside of Dallas. I'm 41 and maybe skied a total of 20 times since I was about 15. Allen the owner was a super nice guy that had plenty of patience with me. We started off with free sking to determine how I stood on the ski and how my wake crossings looked. I was amazed at his ability to drive the boat and watch my form while looking in the rear view mirror the whole time. I think the most important advice I got from the lesson was body position. We did the drill of holding the rope on the dock and trying to cement my stance while leaning away from the handle. I was able to make a few wake crossings on my onside that felt really good while maintaining a solid stacked position... After lunch we moved on to the course which I had much difficulty with. I have major respect for you guys and gals that can run it... So, anyway, glad I finally took a lesson. Off to the lake this weekend to practice practice practice ! Pretty overwhelmed with all the tech in water sking properly.. Major fun though. Really sore in my upper back and shoulders right know. Although this is the first time I skied and didn't get bicep pump.. So, I guess thatis good
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