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A3 2013


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  • Baller

The more I am on mine the more I like it. Basically rode factory numbers for the first month, then tried shorter/deeper at the suggesting of KLP. I am more and more pleased with the ski as I go.


Surprisingly to some (i.e. Skidawg) I have not reverted to the black and orange. As a matter of fact I sold it this weekend as part of a 3 way deal.


June 2013: I am on a Nano 1, Teammalibu is on a Mapple 6.0, and ShaneH is on an A3.

July 2013: I sell my Nano 1 to Teammalibu who sells the Mapple to ShaneH who sells the A3 to me. (Will have to see what August brings as Shane has somewhat moved on already...)

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  • Baller
Thanks for the clarification. I guess I meant theoretically a different ski. When you add up all those tweaks (rocker, flex, bevel, bottom texture); I am guessing it will ski a bit different than the 2013 A3 even if it bears the same model name. Just a hunch. I heard April Coble skied the new one right into mid 39, 1st set.
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  • Baller
@MickeyThompson sorry I was thinking of A2 sizes. April was on the A2 in a 65.5" and that was her primary ski as of the first week in July. I would expect she would be on a 65" A3 but I don't know that for sure.
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  • Baller

My 66'' A3 is longer than my 66.25 A1. Took me 4 sets to make the change. It usually takes me a while to adapt to changes in set up so 4 sets is pretty good for me. Ski is faster than my A1 (like being back on my monza) and gets wide super easy, being wide at 28 off was a new experience for me. Offside pull feels like the ski keeps turning getting more angle as I get to the wakes.


It's a keeper.




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  • Baller

@ali - I agree. This is the first time that I feel like I'm EARLY and have TIME at my -28 off pass. Previously it felt like scramble mode the whole time. Now I am making -22 off passes like they are -15 off passes. Of course now my expectations are higher and I want to be making -32 off passes and getting the -28 off to be as "easy" as a -22 off pass.


Stability in the turns is awesome, and I feel the tail holding super well during the turn. I can crank a turn if I need to and arrive early at the next ball. Can't beat that feeling.


Ready to see what @horton has to say about the A3.

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  • Baller
Hopped on an a3 after my elite did a cartwheel down the highway at 80 mph. I was stupid and didn't start with stock settings. I moved the bindings forward and had the fin all over the place. I couldn't get anything to work for me. Was getting so frustrated I wanted to chuck the ski in the trash. Decided to go stock settings and the ski came alive for me. I haven't set any Pb's or anything, but atleast now it feels like I could. Ran a fairly easy 35, and if I wouldn't have butchered my gate I might of had a shot at 38.
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  • Baller
I have been skiing way more consistently on this A3 than my priori ski. Had another great set today while working on 28 off. When I didn't make it I was consistently getting 4-5 buoys. Tried my first 32 off this season at 32mph and got four, just inside 5 ball. This ski is special!!
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