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Ouch !!!!! ??????


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  • Baller
This happens when you get broken forward coming out of turn. If your strong you'll make it to the first wake, but won't be pretty. If it's too much force, the handle will be ripped out of your hands and you do cartwheels - by the time you stop your just past the first wake, and thinking "why in the world did I just do that??"
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Other, I guess the worst crash happens anywhere, but specially the worst crash happens when you don't see it coming. You can crash preeeetty hard sometimes, but you knew you were gonna eat it so it doesn't feel that bad . And sometimes you're just overconfident, everything is great, coming into CRASH*%*% and burn...and these hurt like hell usually ;)
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  • Baller

the 'worst crash' ie rag-doll off the second wake doesnt always mean though its the easiest way to injure yourself. Most injuries by numbers eg ankle sprains and tweaks, I think, would occur between apex and hook up, so also including hitting balls.

Its more often the sudden stopping than the high speed skimming/ragdoll crashes that does the damage because your body is absorbing more force quickly.

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  • Baller
I think it is easy to confuse: "worst falls" with "most frequent falls" I see more videos of OTF falls since they are more frequent with everyone trying to push past their personal bests... However, in my opinion, the falls where the skier has an issue into, through, out of the second wake seem to really look brutal. They are not as frequently seen, but when they happen they always look terrible.
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  • Baller
Hitting a buoy has cost me 2 surgeries in consecutive summers. Snapped achilles and a blown out shoulder. First one I thought was a fluke, second injury convinced me to stay away from the buoys. Easier said then done at 38.
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  • Baller
Like the majority, I had checked Second Wake since my most violent, high speed, ass over tea kettle, complete yard sale falls used to be there. But, considering my only two sorta serious injuries came right out of the turn, I had to change my vote.
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  • Baller
My most painful crash was a severe edge change with a 1/4 airborne twist so that I was flying outbound and backward off a 76 Ski Nautique wake. The tail of the ski pierced the surface, dead stopped, and threw me back first into the water like a rag doll. I saw stars and couldn't breath for what felt like hours!
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  • Baller
Coming off the second wake hurts the most by far for me. Usually caused by something bad happening, trying to recover, and at max speed across the wake the last little dip is all she wrote to bring me in the boat. A very close second for me is hitting the buoy though since I've cracked/bruised ribs twice doing that.
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  • Baller
Of course had a few spectacular yard sales OTF after 2nd wake many years ago, with broken ribs to prove it. But most serious injury was glancing off the 4 ball - left (LFF) talus cracked in 3 places riding a Monza with double animals. 13 weeks non-weight bearing on a roll-about, and a year of therapy and pain. Powershells and bubble buoys seem to have worked well for the past 3 years. They are a lot higher maintenance, but well worth it so far. Not complaining, since I am totally addicted to the sport.
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  • Baller_
So it happened again off the second wake........SLAM !!!! Happened in the blink of an eye. No idea how it happened or why. Mid to upper back bent the wrong way, wind knocked out of me, bell rung. Opening pass too. Didn't feel unbalanced or out of control. Last time it happened it took me out for a week with mid to upper back issues. Not as bad this time. Took about a 30mn break, and skied again. But tentative. Gonna take a couple sets to get past that.
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For me it depends if I am free skiing, or in the course. When I am free skiing, I am going 34 mph, and if my form is bad, I can get in trouble more often off the second wake. If I am in the course, I am going slower, and my falls are usually pretty much behind the boat, when I just fall over on my side.
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