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What is your favorite heater top?


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  • Baller



This is one link I found with a huge selection. These heaters are actually made for surfers. April Coble Eller swears by them. Here is a link to April and Chris's pro shop. The heater on display is the one my wife purchased. She loves hers as well.



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  • Baller

I bought a Hyperflex shirt here and I don't recommend it. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001OPK1TU/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00


It does help when the air and water start dipping into the 60's.The front and back are warm and toasty. However, the sides and arms are made of rash guard material which means they keep you cool. Basically a terrible combination of materials because your core will be hot with your arms and sides comfy or your core will be warm and your arms and side cold.

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