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A3 vs strada


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  • Baller

Both great just different. I am not skier enough at my speed and longer line length to journey too far with this, but have skied both 66 A3 and 2013 Strada in both 66 and 67 lengths. Nuances I will leave for the Horton's and MattP's and Dirt's and Jayski and the other mega ballers. From the few sets on each trying to determine which one of the two I would continue to ski and grow on this summer here goes. A3 rides what feels a bit deeper. An easy fun ride that turns well and gets wide but is a touch more work rolling from pulling edge to pre-turn edge behind the boat...probably just me. Possibly the width on the new A3 don't know but best left to the real guru's to answer. A3 in a 66 seemed very close in length with the 67 Strada at least laying them side by side at a glance. The 66 Strada is an incredibly quick turning ski that because of my inept ability would sometimes stall in the turn where the A3 would keep moving through it. For the guys that are dialed with their technique I can see where it would rock their world. The 67 Strada was instant balance, angle, felt faster and just easy. The A3 was also easy in some aspects. Liked them both but would pick the 67" Strada. It turned like a well controlled 66 with the balance I needed from the flat spot or rocker design. It was less work and the edge change for me was easier. The quick fin measurements with an old Goode dial caliper were .745 dft 2.50 depth and 6.855 length wing 9 Boot 29.25 water temp 68.


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  • Baller_
I can compare an A-2 against a Strada. Liked what The A-2 did in the turn however it was god awful slow transitioning off the ball and accelerating. The Strada Turns well with little effort and will allow some moving around on the ski. Strada fast as hell off the ball, for me carry's angle and direction into the preturn phase. Will probably get another one this fall.
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  • Baller

I dont feel the Strada has received the credit it deserves in this thread. The Strada is a VERY capable shortlone slalom ski, regardless of how you dissect it. It is extremely fast across course & this ski stays with you in the turns like no ski I've riden, regardless of my level of aggression. It is a bit loose as some have noted, and frankly that is one of the things I enjoy about the ski, particularly when Im out of position. I've made a season on the RS-1, three seasons on the 2010 Strada, and now the 2013, and Im a believer. I've improved every season without question.



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  • Baller

I demo-ed A2, Strada, Nano Twist Mid-Ride, and a Nano ONE........


I skied each ski for 4 sets or 6 in a row. I ended up buying the Nano ONE cause I thought I had the most growing room on that ski. However, I think I ran my best ball count of the sets on the Strada. I tend to tell people that in my opinion, the Strada was the best out of the box for the average skier. Easy to transition onto and felt very stable and confident on that ski. I found the strada took more effort than the A2 to turn, but I just didn't like the instability I felt on the A2.


I have seen more 38' OFF with the Nano ONE than any other ski I have owned........ you could demo one of those too........

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  • Baller_

I have been trying to get off of my Approach for 4 years and cannot find another boot that feels as good. I have tried Power shells, Stradas, Reflex, Animals and Jobe. None of them worked.

The Attack or Apex boot by HO would be my next choice to try and then the D3 Leverage.

I know that people love the D3 T factors but my ski partner has had nothing but build quality issues with them. He loves them but hates the wear issues he has had. D3 has been very good to him with replacement.

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