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Goode Mid Fire bottom peeling


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  • Baller

I had a disaster of a set this morning and when I took my ski off the bottom skin of my ski is peeling off. It is a Goode Fire Mid that is in its second season. Has anybody had an issue like this before?


I haven't reached out to Goode yet I am about to do that but it is bad timing because I leave for Coble's Ski School tomorrow and have a tournament the following two weekends and don't have a ski right now.1c062ec0123bf4017fd474540e147b.jpg


I know April sells HO so maybe I come home with an A3.

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  • Baller
Goode has already stepped up to stand behind the ski. Someone with Goode saw this post on BOS and reached out to me and they are going to send me a new ski to arrive Monday before noon in NC. To top it off they didn't have a Fire Mid so they are sending out a 9960. I am very happy with Goode's customer service they certainly stepped up without having seen the ski.
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  • Baller

Coble's place is great. You are a braver man than I am if you got on the school bus. I usually have a rental car there and we take that and meet the kids at ice cream.


The Coble and Eller (Chris' mom drives the bus sometimes) family are great it is a lot of fun. We are bringing 10 skiers from our lake down there next week.

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Great news on the replacement. Goode has really changed their customer service from dubious to great in just the last few seasons. I think I know at least one reason, but I don't think he wants me to "out" him on this board :).


I am loving the idea that we have 10+ skiers on our lake interested enough to go to Cobles!


Meanwhile I am trying not to quit the sport after another great week of practice (shoulda run a -38 in backwash but choked it) and another terrible tournament day. But today something was definitely wrong with me -- no energy at all. In fact I've been mostly sleeping since 4pm (and I'm sure everyone enjoyed those 6 hours of no posts from me). Here's hoping tomorrow will be different!

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  • Baller

@Skoot123 I skied 3 sets yesterday on the A3 and came away underwhelmed. It felt twitchy to me and I didn't trust it. By the third set I felt I could make it work but I was more comfortable right away on other skis.


I am at the Fedes office right now and nobody can find my ski. It got stuck in Memphis on Sunday night and it is supposedly in the building I am in right now but nobody knows where it is.

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Speaking of Goode customer service, I got a 9800 SL and a wiley power plate recently from ski-it-again.com and I must have called them at least 10 times to help me figure out the dual lock...what time on the ski vs boot, what was on there now, etc. I was really impressed.


@Chef23, let us know how it goes at Cobles. I bet you're glad to get your ski!

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  • Baller
Ran 32 off out of the water bothe sets on my new 9960 Mid. The ski feels much better to me than the A3 did. More stable, turns just as well and gets plenty of angle. I am glad to be back on it and thank the folks at Goode for getting it to me quickly.
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