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Free ski with perfect pass digital pro 6.5ng


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  • Baller
Just wondering how I should set my perfect pass when I am just free skiing? Does slalom mode need to have the pick up magnets to keep itself on speed? I saw that the speed mode is only for 24mph or lower, but th manual also says if you highlight the speed it will use that instead of being rpm based? My gekko gtr came with it so its still NEW to me. I did print off the manual from perfect pass already and that has helped, but seems like the pp really hunts around a lot when I am out free skiing, even on long straight runs. Thanks in advance, Zach J.
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  • Baller
@Monkstr6100 if you can get hold of a pp fall button you can plug it into the timer and it will simulate a magnet when pushed. i.e. have observer/spotter press it as you turn in for your theoretical gate, it will then behave as long as there are no other issues.
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  • Baller
PP 6.5ng has to be calibrated for any given speed using RPM as the controlling factor. It does not need magnets or any external input to run the proper speed once the RPM for the respective speed has been input. HOWEVER, in order to arrive at this RPM you will HAVE to time the boat over 259m or 849 8 7/8 feet and adjust the baseline RPM accordingly. Once this is done, if free skiing, you'll be close. If its windy you'll just be guessing. Be aware that you also must input crew weight and skier weight. Not hard if you're in a course with magnets and pickups, or even a stop watch wielded by a competent individual, but pretty difficult to know just how fast or slow in open water. PP really hunts around? Once locked in it should maintain the RPM set up in the baseline without deviation unless impacted by some outside force.
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As @LeonL said, what do you mean by "PP hunts around"? Does your speedometer change speeds slightly (if so this is somewhat normal with pp on RPM mode)? Or does it feel like your boat is overshooting then undershooting....etc.


If there is no skier behind your boat on the open water, you should be able to get to its base rpm and hold it there.


The magnets and fall button are only for checking the timing thru the course, after each pass you have the ability to adjust the rpms by increments of 5 rpms depending on current and wind. The magnets or fall button does not adjust the speed/rpms as you are skiing, its only a timing system.


Once your system is calibrated at zero skier weight (without a skier) for each speed thru the course, you should be set for open water skiing using the ski mode. Also on a side note usually you do not ski as hard or aggressive on the open water, I've found that if I slow my rpms to -30 or so its a more accurate speed on open water.

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It is not true that magnets and pick-ups are only for timing, the system holds back 27 % 0f skier added rpm until it goes through the enterance gates and at ball three it adjusts for second segment ballance. When we free ski we set skier weight at 125 %.. If you just press the hand timer the gate % will drop out in a short period of time if it does not get the other inputs. Not doing this step will slow speeds down 1/2 a mile per hour if that matters to you.
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I stand corrected. I don't have an accurate speedo on my boat, but I have the 6.4 version. My neighbor's RLX has the 6.5 PP version. Through the course his speed and times are dead on, but on the open water his speeds are roughly 1 mph faster than thru the course....maybe we need to take a second look at his system.
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  • Baller

Thanks for all the info guys. I will do some playing around with it next time I am on the water. By hunting around I mean sometimes I will set it at 32.4mph, but then when I pull up the skier it will back me down to 29.something and hold me there for a bit and then I will come out of a turn and then maybe pull up to the 32. I am sure it is my settings and my inexperiance with the system. Why didn't they add one more butter on the gauge! So confusing to.navigate through it!


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  • Baller
@joeprunc, I can't understand a one MPH deviation because of open water. The system is RPM driven. Once the engine reaches the baseline + skier weight + a percentage (don't remember what now) of the crew weight it will lock in and maintain that RPM unless acted upon by an external force. Now having said that a boat will vary speed at the same RPM due ripple vs. smooth surface, wind, even water density, but not a whole MPH.
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