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Terms we make up to describe slalom


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  • Baller

Stoled six and snuck out the gate. Ran a pass you shouldn't have.


Busting chicken. Carrying a lot of speed


Hold on while I check the prop. Going the bathroom.


A@@ holes and elbows- either all over the place or a good crash.


Pre jump dump. Obviously started with jumping but used in slalom when nerves force you to go to the bathroom before you ski in a tournament.

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  • Baller

"Just checking the serial # on my ski" --After what has become my signature move, broke over the front out of 3 so bad that my head almost touches the tip of the ski and miraculously recovering and running the pass.


Re-setting the Ph. -- peeing

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  • Baller

Was driving for my wife and a few lady skiers that were working on their wake crossing skills. I became invisible and an innocent bystander as the day progressed.

Anyway, getting the hips up to the handle - you need to "push the bush".

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  • Baller

"Toe Side" and "Heel Side": Terms borrowed from Snowboarding and wakeboarding and used in place of "on side" and "off side" to describe which side a skier naturally turns better due to which foot is forward. Mainly used by a particular guru to confuse the rest of us since both of our feet face forward on a slalom ski...


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"Water snake"......not the "coppermoccarattler" (I butchered that).


This "water snake" resides near orange buoys, or at the first wake and if provoked it will grab your ski. This elusive animal is also the second leading cause of "otf" among skiers. Only improper form and technique (see previous entries including "humping the dog", "bowing to the queen", etc.) Cause a greater number of otf's.


It has been suggested that the water snake evolved from the equally elusive, yet ever present snow snake.

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"augered in" or "spun the ball"


Interchangeable terms which describe the phenomonon that when you turn a little too much and your ski tries to go back up the course while the boat continues down course.


Spinning the ball or augering in commonly leads to "popping the handle", the phenomona by which the handle flies at high speed towards the back of the drivers head.

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  • Baller_

"Helicoptered in" - when the skier falls and rolls on the water such that the rotating ski looks like helicopter blades slicing into the water at each rotation. Usually produces some sort of ankle injury or discomfort due to the torsional stress on the ankle.


"Blow the tail out" - when the ski loses contact with the water during a turn in such a manner that the tail end of the ski leads the path through the air for the rest of the ski and skier to follow. Immediately followed by significant discussion about fin adjustments.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_

"eye peeler" - an OTF crash or faceplant executed with such violence and speed that the human reaction to close the eyelids before impact cannot be completed before the face contacts the water. In addition to slalom, seen frequently in barefoot skiing.


"scorpion" - an unnatural and undesirable curvature of the human back and spine during a crash, often the result of an OTF, faceplant or eye peeler. The heels of the skier's feet approach and may contact the back of the skull.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

"Swerve Me" - signal from skier to boat driver that skier is ready to go...

"The wind is picking up" - the skier is skiing sucking so bad they are creating wind, this can get bad enough that they suck the oxygen out of the air at which point the boat crew tells them "Its getting hard to breath in here".

"Franken-ski" - a ski/binding set up that no longer resembles the factory setup, usually using rusty bolts, bondo and zip ties...

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we use the term "praying" when we have to pee instead of mentally preparing...hold on a sec I just have to say a prayer!


If you get bent over in your term we use the term "new guy in prison" That shouldn't require any additional explanation


"deep" is used to pretty much explain most turns I make around buoys (especially 2 and 4 ball)


and just remember, nobody puts @brady in the corner!

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@thanger unfortunately that could also be correct. I would never say that.


It is always "The Ballers" and never "My Ballers". "My Ballers" makes it sounds like I own you guys. I am pretty sure it is the other way around.

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"Flotsam" the new name for someone (actually several people) I have been skiing with recently. The dictionary roughly defines flotsam as the floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo. My definition is the carnage I see after the boat turns around and the cloud of spray I was towing 5 seconds ago is strewn about the water.
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