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What is the Senior Tour Big Dawg Finals?


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  • Baller
Looking at Marc Shaw's website he has the 2013 Senior Big Dawg Tour listed with 16 competitors. When I first saw this I was expecting to see alot of Sr. Citizen Age skiers on the list but it looks the majority of the skiers on the bracket are not Seniors at all, mostly 40 something's and some skiers in their 30's. Am I missing something here?
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  • Baller_
That is a bad name. Hmmmm? Anything needed to qualify? Level 9? So if your in a Big Dawg, hit a certain mark your in? I suppose calling it the "Little Dawgs" or "Puppy Dawgs" wouldn't fly. Womens could be called "Hot Dawgs"
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  • Baller

I thought the idea of senior Tour was to give the guys, 50 or at least 45 years old, that are not making the finals, a reason to continue skiing the Big Dawgs. I don't think any of us feels a guy under 40 is a Senior. At 35 you have a lot of years to shoot for the Finals. 50 your starting to think maybe its a waste of time. Ok not a waste of time. My shoulders hurt my elbows hurt my back hurts, whose this kid 35 thinking hes a Senior and why are all these guys running 39.


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  • Baller

I disagree with cacman. The 35 year olds are not dominating the big dawg. The mid 40's to low mid 50's generally rule. That gives me a lot of motivation at 44 that I have a good 10+ years years left to try and "master" this sport. Of course that never happens as evidenced by Andy. Still fun to try.


I like the idea of having 8 women go head to head next year, but totally disagree with it being "invitation only". Set a qualifying score and let them fight it out. One of the great things about the big dawg is legends of the sport skiing against "normal" guys. It should be the same for the ladies. (And this should probably be a new thread)

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  • Baller

Interestingly, a man standing next to me at the Big Dawg asked me, "Why do they call these Guys Seniors, they look like kids."


I have to agree, the name is pretty misleading....Should be 55+ like Golf and other sports for public perception...I believe a large part of the population wants to see older Guys doing well..Gives them hope for the future.

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  • Baller
I thought about the "Old Dawgs" as well. Should be 60 plus. There will be quite a few guys aging out of the Big Dawg in 5-6 years (or even less). I think guys over 60, no matter who they are, can not be competitive with 37 year olds and should be given their own division in the Big Dawg.
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  • Baller

From what I understand, the Senior Tour invites were based off the US Qualifiers with a few spots reserved from the European qualifiers. 40 skiers were invited to the Big Dawg finals. That 40 was based off anyone who made the sweet 16 at either Mississippi or Michigan, some spots reserved based off other tour stops (Chile, France, and Austrailia), and the remaining spots given to the top single highest scores from the qualifiers. The next 16 single highest single scores were given invites to the Senior Tour head to head. There were some people that declined the invite to the Big Dawg finals so a few people were moved up from the Senior Tour head to head to the Big Dawg finals. Guys were then back filled into the Senior Tour again based off their single highest score. There were also some people who declined the Senior Tour invites and guys were again back filled to fill out the brackets. In the end, I think you needed to run about 2.5 @ 39 in one round of the qualifiers to get an invite to the Big Dawg finals and about 6@38 to get an invite into the Senior Tour. I qualified for the Senior Tour final by running 1.5@39 in Michigan.


I agree that the Senior Tour probably needed a different name and was a bit confusing. However, I couldn't really think of a good name for it. I like to call it "the best of the rest", but that may not go over to well. I know it was suppose to be geared towards guys that have averages of mid 39 that didn't really have much of a shot to get into the sweet 16 for the Big Dawg finals. Hence, the Senior Tour final head to head final would give guys like me an opportunity to ski some additional rounds during nationals week and thus encourage us to participate in the Big Dawg qualifiers.


Personally I was a little bummed that I didn't make it into the Big Dawg finals. However, I had a great time skiing in the Senior Tour final. It turned out that all 16 of us in the Senior Tour final were pretty closely matched. Most of us had averages of 2 to 3 at 39 so running 38 was not automatic for any of us. Throw in the added pressure of a head to head, 32 and 35 off starts, and the increased wait times at the end due to the head to head format and not many of us ran 38. I was fortunate enough to make it into the final 4 and got the opportunity to ski under the lights. That was a fantastic experience for me.


I'd personally like to thank Greg Davis and Nautique for coming up with this format and supporting it. I'd also like to thank the Will and Elaine Bush for driving and judging as well as the other drivers and judges that worked the first two sets of brackets on the North/South lake. Also, many thanks to Tim and Becky who drove the Big Dawg finals as well as all the other officials and staff that worked the Big Dawg final. I'm hoping that our final four head to head under the lights gave them a chance to get everything ironed out before the final 8 of the Big Dawg final got under way.

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  • Baller

@schroed - Glad you enjoyed it so much. Great to meet you and had a lot of fun driving the head to head for you guys on the North/South and then Boat Judging for you in the finals. BTW, for the North South, it was Will Bush driving with Trish Burt judging in boat 1, and me driving and Elaine Bush judging in boat 2. Never met Elaine before, but it turns out she is an outstanding boat judge (and person)!


I'm not sure what we should name this, but I agree a name change is needed. The Senior part of the name has to do with IWSF and anything over 34 being called Senior (or so I'm told).

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  • Baller

@OB OW right now is 1@38 so Jen Lapoint, Lori Krueger, Brenda Baldwin, Philipaa Shedd could not ski I'm sure Kristi can still get into 38. April Coble has over a full pass on these ladies and is still on the tour. Why not use the same rule they use for BD and you can't ski f you placed in the top X in X years.

That rule would keep April, Karen, and Emma Sheers out but let June Fladborg in. But all those names are the women over 35 who can get into 38. There are a few more then the scores drop to around 2-4@35.

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