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Do I need a new ski?


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This weekend I was skiing on my Kidder Redline EX. I had an O'Brien X9 boot on the front because the original boot broke. I went out the front on the second pass and the boot ripped off of the ski. 3 of the screws stayed in the ski and ripped the holes in the boot out while 3 of the screws stayed in the boot and ripped out of the ski. Should I try to re-drill holes in the boot and ski or is the ski shot and I need a new one?

If I need a new ski I would like suggestions on what to get. I am 135 pounds and another person who uses this ski is 160. I am a weekend skier in northern Indiana, so I want a cheap ski that will perform well in the course. I usually ski at 15 off.

The only skis I am familiar with are the top of the line skis like Stradas, Vapors, Syndicates. I'm looking for something cheaper that is still a good course ski. Preferably under $400. Any suggestions?

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  • Baller
No, it is just a blank with some cosmetic issues. My personal problem with buying skis that have bindings with them is that I like a particular binding that nobody else really likes ;) So getting a ski with bindings on it doesn't really help me. Now if you don't plan on reusing your bindings then it would definitely make sense to find something that has them on it - because it is usually cheaper to buy them as a set than individual pieces.
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@ smithjohn16

Yes you need a new ski, ANY reason for a new ski is valid.

Had a bad set? Must be the ski

No PB this year? Gonna need a new ski

Hate your job? A new ski will fix that

Lawn mower won't start? Buy a new ski

Wife mad that your always gone skiing? A new ski will probably make this worse but only until she leaves, at which point you'll still have a new ski.


I'd get a new ski

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  • Baller

A 67 is pretty huge for a 135 person. I'm 185 on a 67 and it is just right.


Radar uses a standard bolt pattern, so your front binding would work. Your rear toe loop looks like an older square pattern, that wouldn't work. These radar RTP's are super comfy and really hold your foot in



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