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Fin Confusion, Can Anybody Help !

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Mapple 6.0 Fin Settings Now, Length 6.830, Depth 2.502 , DFT .770 before the length was 6.840,


Scenario: I have never felt the sweet spot on my offside turn since I got the ski back to the UK, I recently changed the length to 6.830 POW! now have a sweet spot on my offside, and the ski turns hard and fast, the problem I have is, if I am running narrow and have to come "up/forward" for the bouy the ski turns so hard it stops, I would also like to just calm the turn a bit even when I manage to stay back on the ski.


Question 1 = do I calm it down by giving it more tip or do I continue to take tip out ?


Question 2 = If I have taken tip out do I need to add depth ?


Question 3 = The onside turn feels akward, the ski does not seem to come out in front, any suggestions ?


I have tried my own methods and understandings, I wanted to know any other thoughts.

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  • Baller

Debate-ably the best person in skiing history to be able to answer your question just so happens to have made your ski. If you ask Andy, I think it will be a lot better than any of us can recommend. Others have said that he responds pretty quickly.


I would be curious to hear what he recommends though.

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  • Baller

Less DFT would calm the ski down on the turn and should help with width. Personally I havent changed my fin on the 6.0 with Florida to UK water. Just focused more on technique.


I find the ski sensitive to binding placement . Rule of thumb, make sure you have your binding placement right before fin adjustment


Agree with @waternut Andy is your man. Lucky for me only couple more weeks until im there again:)

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  • Baller

I do not find this ski sensitive at all to any particular settIng.

For me the most important thing was to find a Good combo between length and depth.

From factory setting I moved to 2.510 and 6.820-6.825.

Got better turns at both sides, especially offside.

In Florida Waters- any settings seem to work!

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