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What is the easiest ski for the course at 30 - 32 mph at 15/22 off


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I'm 57 and can ski all 6 at 30 mph at 15 off, but it isn't easy. Any recommendations for a ski that would be more forgiving and require less physical effort. I hope to get to 32 mph, but NEVER plan to go faster. Any skis to avoid?
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  • Baller

Welcome! I'm sure others with more knowledge will chime in but if 32mph is as fast as you'll ever go, I'd stay away from the fire breathing high end ski's since they're really designed for skiing shortline at 34-36mph.


Radar makes a lot of good ski's for intermediate skiers and they're reasonably priced. Size is more important than actual ski choice. How tall are you and what do you weigh? Maybe we can help you pick something that will suit you well.

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  • Baller
I would find a nice mid-ride ski and love it to death. Easier ups, easier turns at that slowe speed, and still so much fun. NOT A WIDE RIDE, but a mid ride. GOODE makes some and LOTS ON Ski-it-again.com A senate C from RADAR maybe?
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  • Baller

I had a Goode Nano Mid and bought the new Strada based Senate C several weeks ago. Sold the Goode. The Senate C is awesome for what you describe. The Goode Mid is still a fire breathing beast capable of world records and not as forgiving because it doesn't carry as much width to the tail. The Senate C carries the width to the tail and gives it more lift, especially at the slower speeds, and allows you to recover if your weight should move back. Horton's review basically limits its effectiveness to 32 off if I remember correctly. Two totally different skis. If I made the mistake of getting on the tail with the Goode, I couldn't recover. On the Goode my position was constantly broke out of the turn and into the pull. Its not designed for the slower speeds and broken form (and if our form was better we wouldn't be skiing at slower speeds). That rarely happens with the Senate C.



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  • Baller


I am almost 56 and made my first all six at 30mph 15 off last seson.

I ride mostly my Radar Theory and sometimes a regular Senate.

My advice is to get the ski where you will progress fastest.

The Senate is still a bit advanced for me.

I plan to switch when I am consistent at 32 and do a few on 34.



Radar Vector are very, very comfortable bindings.





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