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Wife on new ski!


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  • Baller

Was very excited after my wife got on her new ski and bindings tonight. Her first set of the year, and she is already back to where she was last season on her old ski. Gotta love it when your spouse is excited about the new gear and is asking you questions about technique and what to do at certain points in the course.


Her PB is a full pass at 24.? MPH last year on a loaner Nano One and powershells. She is working on form and getting more stacked at the slower speed. She struggle most with getting stacked on her off-side. She was skiing 26.? MPH tonight and was running about her normal from 24.? MPH. SUPERB NIGHT!

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  • Baller
My wife just had her hip replaced. She's skied with me ever since we were married, and is my primary driver. She loved her surgeon . . . until yesterday. At her six week appointment he told her that he didn't think she should ski. She was pissed, because pre-surgery he said it would probably be OK. I think (a) he doesn't understand the sport and (b) he HAS to say that! Hell, Lucky Lowe won at nationals after a hip replacement (or two), and my brother has a friend who skis and barefoots post hip replacement. I told her she's fine to ski. She still doesn't like her surgeon anymore!
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  • Gold Member
@Razorskier1 That surprised me a little. My (thankfully indirect!) experience with surgeons has been that they tend toward arrogance and usually have a "better than new" attitude about their work. I think I'd actually find it refreshing if a surgeon was cautious about what to do post-surgery!
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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan -- you probably know my history -- 3 knee surgeries, four shoulder surgeries, biceps tendon reattachment, and major neck surgery last year. In every instance I was told I should "find a different activity". My reply . . . if you can keep putting me back together, then I'm going to keep skiing! Now, I do rehab like a machine, so I'm not stupid. None of my ski-related surgeries has been repeated.
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