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What is your ski level?


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  • Baller

Ski level is in this Poll defined as:

- Complete pass (all six).

- Short lines at 34 mph.

- Training or competition.

- Can be repeated a few times during the season

It is allowed to round up slightly to fit into the poll alternatives.


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  • Baller

Me too, in the old category, I remember Wayne grimditch, George Athans and Sammy Duval so running -32 at a soft 34mph is a good day in my life in a 2.5 month season that btw hasn't started yet!

Where's that global warming thing? Still snow at cottage!

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  • Supporting Member
@skier2788. Yes, that is very likely. I was exactly where you are when I transitioned to 34 mph, and immediately began running -35 most of the time (including my first two attempts of my life, which were at a tournament).
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  • Baller
@than_Bogan I actually trained that way last year. Ran -32 @36 then -35@34. Eventually I stepped it back up to 36. Messing around one day I somehow ran -38@34. It was really ugly. I think slowing down to learn shorter line lengths helps. I can get my mind around a different visual picture if I am not freaking out about how fast I am going.
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  • Baller
Well I do train sometimes at 34 mid season, though it's mostly working on mechanics. I usually work on things at one shorter line length than I see in my hardest pass at 36. Seems to make the normal set at 36 click a little better that way.
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Its easier to run short lines at slower speeds when you are very strong I find, like @skier2788 is. You can kind of soak up the slack hit and get fired off to the other ball. That is the case for me at least when I slow down and try 32/35. I find all line lengths at 34 to be easier then their 36mph one length longer.
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  • Baller_
The comparison between 34 mph and 36 mph in official scoring is basically 6 buoys difference (run 32 off at 36 mph = run 35 off at 34 mph). It matches my score differences as well. I am basically a line length shorter at 34 mph than I am at 36 mph - almost 6 buoys exactly.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan‌ @kfennell‌ I have to agree with him the only way I got through it was taking huge slack hits and just hanging on. Do it once to say you can but If I did it everyday my arms would fall off. I have run 35 off at 36 probly 50 to 60 timesand my PB is 3@38. I feel 38 off at 34 is slightly harder than 35 at 36. The six bouy difference between 34 and 36 is true up to a certain line let and then it is less. In my opinion. Otherwise why don't guys like mapple or rogers run deep 43@34 when they can run mid deep 41 at 36.
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  • Supporting Member
Yep, there's no doubt in my mind that the difference in buoy count at 34 vs. 36 depends on where you are in the progression. In the neighborhood of 36/-32 and 34/-35, it's pretty much right on 6 buoys. But elsewhere it may be more or less.
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  • Baller

@skier2788 I was right where you are in M2 running -32 @ 36 mph consistently and only ran -35 @ -36 once. First tourney in M3 @ 34 mph smoked -35 and had -38 going like it was a joke but over-turned 4 and ejected going toward 5. Thought I was about to own -38 @ 34 moving forward.


Strangely (really not so strange to those of us who live this purple nightmare) took another 5 years to run a meaningful number of -38 passes in a season.

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  • Baller
@6balls‌ first full year in M2 so I am hoping to start beating up on the purple loop a lot more this summer. Started running 35 some last year have taken five shots at 35 this year. Average 3 but did get 5 the last time I tried it. I am feeling pretty good about that. It is the middle of May and water is 58 degrees. By the end of summer my goal is to be consistent at 35 and getting 3 @38 regularly. Pretty big goals but I feel like I can do it.
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  • Baller

Guess I started too late, I never skied any 36. Have run a few 38 off 34 mph passes this summer. Was thinking I would ski an INT League at 36 to see what it was all about.


So, if I can run 35 @ 34 mph consistently , it is likely I can run 32 @36 mph as well?

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  • Baller_
@GOODESkier, I would think you would be able to run 32 off at 36 mph. Maybe not cold the first time you try it, but after some slight adjustments. Try it. I actually think 36 mph is more fun and my ski actually rides a little better.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

Have forgot to summarize.

First a great thanks all for your answers.


BOS seems really to be the digital center of very advanced skiers.

I feel a bit humble when I realize that most of you are on level I will never be able to reach.Kudos!!! Yepp a special thanks for providing us LL so much support and efforts helping us to improve!

Feeling a bit lonely I hope some more LL skiers will keep on posting.

We can maybe share some AHA feelings on technique that most BOS'ers most likely have forgotten loooong time ago.




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