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Growing out or growing in to a ski? (LL skiers)


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  • Baller

My observations from looking at LL skiers many seems to have to advanced skis.

(type running Stradas at 15 off @ 28/30mph)


I think is is better to start with a ski close to ones current level and then grow out of that ski.

In most other sports like for example alpine skiing I think one can benefit form a ski above current level.

One can always skid a bit and then make more correct turns through out the run.

Water skiing is brutal in terms of once the pass is started nothing else but god gate and 6 god turns in a row will make a successful pass.

If the ski is sensitive for position the likelihood for a successful pass is rather small and hence once's progress will suffer.

Me for example, I have made at least one rather ok part of each section of the course.

But I cant repeat it during a full pass.


Also, entry level skis are reasonable cheap so one can afford to change a bit more often in the beginning.





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  • Baller

FWIW...I find that the high performance top of the line skis that I have tried (by no means have I tried them all) are way more use friendly at longer lone lengths than the high performance skid of years ago.


I do think that set-up matters though, and I think that unless you are experienced and knowledgeable about setting things up properly that it is a good idea to go get lessons from a good coach and to have them set-up your ski correctly for you.

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  • Baller

Not sure I agree........ I am not a race car driver, but bet I would do better on a race track in a prepped race car than in a honda civic set up with car seats in the back............... no matter what my ability.


My point being, I had my wife on a RADAR LYRIC for 2 seasons. We had it as dialed in as much as it allowed and she never ran a full pass. Not even really all that close. She tried a Nano One with hard shells and ran a full pass her first set.


In all honesty, I think that it is all personal preference, BUT what I have observed with a few friends trying higher end equipment, is that it just flat out works better in the course regardless of skill level (IF IT IS DIALED IN CORRECTLY and the SIZING IS CORRECT based on skier weight/height and the speed they are attempting).


Long story short, DEMO something and see what you think for yourself.

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  • Baller
@gsm_peter‌ I do agree with your analysis. I have a friend who comes and skis with me once or twice a month. He is still learning the course at -15/30. He always wants to ride my current ski or the ski I just came off of. I ski 36MPh and run -32 regularly and -35 once in awhile. Once I talked him into riding a 69" senate. He looked far more stable on the Senate than my RS1 and the Senate forgave far more mistakes. I believe the high end skis are very sensitive and fast. This is a good thing if you make good turns and get stacked. If you make a mistake they react so fast that a beginner gets dumped before they can recover. I think part of the issue is the beginner generally doesn't know what size ski to buy and at best they end up on a high end ski that is slightly too small for them at 28 and 30. The lower end skis are generally wider and will carry them at those speeds better. I would encourage a beginner to swallow there pride and buy the lower end ski and grow with it and out of it. Then get the high end ski. Most of today's skis will go up the rope a lot further than people think. To prove a point to my friend I got on the 69 in senate and ran -28 and -32 @36 MPH I am 6 foot 2 and 205. Ski was big at that speed but it skied fine. He then admitted it was probly good enough for him at 30. Just my opinion.
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  • Baller


I train the course almost always on my Radar Theory (67 dbl Vectors)

I free ski almost always with my Senate (67 dbl Vectors ff)

Do not consider me yet to stable enough to deserve the Senate in the course =0/

However, based on your advice I will try the Senate soon again in the course.



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  • Baller

@skier2788‌ I am guessing you could run 32 off on a wood ski need be?


I am still a proponent of getting the right ski and just skiing. SIZE MATTERS with speed and WEIGHT/HEIGHT. I agree, most are skiing a ski TOO small for their starting speed.

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