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After this week at regionals I am sold on OB4 bindings


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  • Baller

After skiing at LymanLand this weekend for southern regionals (with a 4th place finish in M1, which is my first time ever making the podium at regionals) @Mattp showed me and explained to me the OB4 release system. I wanted something that was a hardshell (was considering Reflex at first) then seeing these bindings and how they release I feel like I will trust them more in a hard fall out the back or side as opposed to a Reflex.

BTW Thanks Matt for letting me get on the podium! First thing I said to my dad was "time to order some bindings"

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  • Baller
@Ilivetoski‌ it was great to put a face with another baller. Congrats on the podium! It has still eluded me though this was only my 2nd regionals. I may or may not had alterer motives not to make the podium ;) Best of luck at Nationals and if you have further question on the OB4 just ask! See you around!
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  • Baller

@MattP one thing though! When Jasmine was showing them to my dad she said something that was not quite right. She said "we use aerospace grade metal" My dad sells aerospace metal. He asked Jasmines dad what alloy (type of metal) they use and he said 6061. That is what is called general engineering metal. My dads words "that is not aerospace grade metal, they would never use that in aerospace. Now i'm not saying that they should be using a different metal, just that its not aerospace grade"


This will not affect my decision to buy and my dad said that 6061 is still a very strong and durable metal. *

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I'm wildly speculating here, but I am getting the impression the demand for the OB4 system has been greater than they expected, and they're having a little trouble keeping up. @mmosley889 has done a great job of answering my barrage of questions (thanks!) but there have been times of delayed response. (Not complaining -- I completely understand.)


I continue to believe the OB4 system is the overall safest option on the market and I absolutely recommend it to anyone who has the expertise and time to install and tune it properly. Someday, the fact that you're on this system will earn you an extra season because you DON'T break your ankle or tear your Achilles. (Also to consider: any single plate system with a Gatormod.)


Additional good news is there are several of us who are building some experience with the system. @MattP has been enormously helpful to me, and I've reached the point where I have some knowledge to share as well. I hope to publish some of what I know at some point, but before then I'm happy to try to answer questions (e.g. via PM).

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@OB Doesn't surprise me at all, but thanks for filling in the details!


The problem with effective people is they get themselves involved in everything and everyone wants more from them!!


Good luck @mmosley899 and thanks again for bringing this game-changing product to the ski world!

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  • Baller
@Greg Lukin‌ sorry for the delay, I did answer your messages, hope you got that by now. It's a website problem involving international addresses and we are working on it. @OB‌ is correct, very busy with far too many irons in the fire! Hope to see everybody who can get there at Nationals next week. We will have plenty of product to sell including the new shells and liners!

Mike's Overall Binding

USA Water Ski  Senior Judge   Senior Driver   Senior Tech Controller


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