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Pangaea Puddle


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  • Baller

Just wanted to send a shout out to George Vosburgh and family, true Ambassadors to the sport of waterskiing and just plain salt of the earth good people!

We just spent this weekend camping and skiing at Pangaea Puddle in Canajoharie NY, what an awesome ski venue, 2 pristine ski lakes, glass conditions all day and a 30' rope swing for the kids, a true skiers paradise in Upstate NY!

If you have not skied there you need to check it out.


Thanks again George!


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Fwiw, George kinda blows a hole in the theory that says public water courses are the only way to increase participation. George has put his blood, sweat, and tears into making his own personal slalom mecca, but then he goes and SHARES IT WITH EVERYONE! He's a remarkable man, and maybe the exception rather than the rule. But I think attitude is more important than public access. My site has public access and while we introduce some people each season, Pangaea probably hosts 10-50x as many skiers as we do, including many new to the sport.


They also hosted Eastern Regionals three years in a row.

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  • Baller

I spent some time with George and Trish this year at Nationals since he was one of the appointed judges. Very enjoyable people and awesome site (at least from the pictures!!). One of my "home sites" is also a two-lake site where the two lakes are on signifcantly different elevations (100+ feet difference) so we had a lot to talk about from the start!


Clearly they are both excellent ambassadors to the sport and work hard to promote waterskiing wherever they can! I can't wait to get to Pangaea sometime soon!

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  • Baller
Pangaea is one of the best places I have skied. George and Trish are great hosts and true ambassadors for the sport. It is a bit in the middle of nowhere but it is a great site. My son loves going there and hanging out for the weekend. Unfortunately we are going to miss the Labor Day tournament this year but if you live within 3 or 4 hours of Albany NY (Pangaea is about 45 minutes from there) you should definitely make the effort to get to a tournament there.
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  • Baller
10 years ago some friends from MA convinced me to go visit and ski Pangaea...am I glad i did! besides being an awesome place (like @than and @chef describe), my family now counts the Vosburghs as our dear friends. This week end I will be going up there by myself for the first time in ten years...older son in college and younger son injured. But it's been a great family affair for all these years. Will look forward to meet @slvrbulit
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  • Baller

Pangea is known all the way across the country. From California, we know of how well the Vosburghs treat people and how good the skiing at Pangea can be. We specifically sought out a tournament there a few years ago and were wonderfully surprised by how good everything was at Pangea. Get there if you ever get the chance!



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  • Baller
I skied today in the tournament and it was great! I have only ran 28' off once in my life prior to today and that was at Pangaea a couple weeks ago in a clinic with Brooks Wilson. Today I ran it TWICE. This place skis amazing and is a fun place to stay. You can camp on the lake and the is a rope swing and dinners provided. This place is awesome!
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