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This Blows


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  • Baller

So I took the family out to the public lake today and this is what we found. Previously we could run up into the north end of the lake and find some sheltered runs away from the PWC's, tubes and wake barges. Some genius in has decided it would be much better to herd all the skiers into one place, probably so they can perform boat checks and raise revenue without having to drive too far... I'm teaching my wife and kids to ski so half decent water helps, I don't want to be anywhere near the PWC crowd with my kids as most of them are out of control and have little respect for safety. Nuts.




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  • Baller

I did some digging - this is the official line.

- Due to the safety risks posed by submerged hazards, a 6 knot speed limit in the northern part of Lake Somerset has been endorsed by Marine Safety Queensland (MSQ). Signage will be erected at all launch points advising of the 6 knot speed limit area. Seqwater staff will continue to actively patrol the lake, and will monitor speeding this northern area.


That last sentence is the money phrase. So for our own safety they are pushing us together away from the nasties that live beneath the water line. BS I say, its all about more control, more rules and potential revenue.

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  • Baller

Back when I was doing Real Work in the 1970's, I had a co-worker who had an interesting

observation. The guy was not to be discounted, as he was a soldier in WW2, for England,

where they really endured some real war hitting home.

His opinion was that the high point of the human race was around 1968, and that we have

been on the decline since then.

My own personal feeling, as I am getting to be an Oldie, is that before long, you won't even

be able to go to the bathroom without a government permit. And, that is putting it in cleaner

terms that I would say in person.

I lost a couple of ski sites because of government BS.

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  • Baller
Yes Ed, my old man has always said that his parents lived their prime in the best of times as far as that goes - 50's & 60's My own personal stance is that if need be I will run the gauntlet until I get caught, then I will argue my case if need be. The stupid part of their logic is that it assumes that the other 60% of the lake has no underwater hazards which is simply laughable. I think in a strict legal sense the speed zone might be tricky to enforce but we shall find out I guess.
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  • Baller
Our local lake goes to 5mph when the water level reaches 400ft. I don't go there much but from what I've heard it's not patrolled often. I think it's because too many wally's hit submerged hazards that are unmarked and complained to the authorities. So instead of marking them ( which would be impossible to do all ) I think they figure less liability to drop the speed limit. This lake is known for idiots though.
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  • Baller

@ryno65 There is a line of 6knt buoys that blocks off the whole northern end, for me that was the only place where I would dare to put on my slalom ski. Your right there is plenty of timber up that way but also some very good little bays tucked out of the way from wind and the wally factor.


I watched plenty of bass boats and other fishing boats smash the speed limit while I was out there on the weekend so its going to be a bonanza for the revenue police.

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  • Baller
Don't get me started on the government stuff. We had to cancel our tournament because of poor water quality. We actually have some of the cleanest water in the Bakersfield area , but it is the guy sitting behind the government desk who is holding the reins. Hopefully he will not bother the rest of the lakes in our area. The public lakes are dirtier , but he cannot regulate them the way he can the private sights.
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  • Baller

@MrJones the Democrats controlled the presidency for all but 16 years during the period from 1933 to 1980. In that time they controlled the congress for all but four of the years, and they raised taxes on anything after $3.5 million (in today's dolllars) to 95%, created social security, Medicare, the G.I. Bill, the EPA, the FDA, the FAA, and scores of other government agencies.


Since 1980 the taxes on the most wealthy have been a maximum 28% except for a 7 year spell under Clinton in which they were 39.6% (still a far cry from the pre-Reagan 75%). At the same time there has been unprecedented deregulation and a general defunding and weakening of all regulatory bodies such as the EPA.


I am avoiding any political commentary. Just supplying a little historical context. If'n my numbers don't add up, it would follow that the newly incurred regulations would be largely due to Republican policies as they have controlled the congress and the American purse strings since 1994.

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  • Baller

@jipster43‌ and the rest. Lets keep the political jargon on the dock post skiing with a beer. I am not going to sensor this thread just yet. I'm sure there is some quality discussion on how to get these buoys removed or policy changed without having to go into politics.


One of my favorite ski coves now has this buoy. "Drive as fast as you want but don't ski here"



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  • Administrators

@MattP‌ is correct. Waterski politics is very welcome here. Non waterski politics are absolutely not welcome here.


politics and religion are more or less banned topics here at BallOfSpray. this website is about water skiing and water skiing and other times about water skiing. Sometimes we talk about other things and then we talk about water skiing.

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  • Baller
I would petition your Corp of Engineers for a designated ski zone in the northern section, and volunteer to do all of the research on underlying issues, and then put up 4 large marker buoys to outline the area. No one else but you would really know what it is for, so most probably wouldn't venture into it unless you told them what it was about.
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  • Baller

Hey! I didn't talk politics. I talked history. I took no side and disparaged no one. I just listed numbers that are all a part of the public record.


" I'm sure there is some quality discussion on how to get these buoys removed or policy changed without having to go into politics."


Water rights are nothing if not political and if you want to effectively challenge a restriction, it helps to understand the historical perspective. I'm an advocate for public courses and private ponds. That is the only political position I wish to take on this forum. but I'll try to refrain from those debates as well! I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm the worst at politics. I won't shut up until everyone is offended - including myself.

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  • Baller

Noting the photo a few postings above by @Mattp. OK, so go out there and pull wakeboarders! "We're not skiing,

we're wakeboarding". Or really get creative and pull parasailing and kites. The people who make the laws tend to

be idiots. Case in point: here in New Hampshire, if you want to pull 2 skiers, you need 2 observers.

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  • Baller

@jipster43‌ just heading things off before they begin. efw might have been the first to start talking political but I digress.


" I'm sure there is some quality discussion on how to get these buoys removed or policy changed without having to go into politics."


Reviewing legislation in the area or in other areas that have had them removed. Without pointing fingers or speaking about party politics. You can talk to others that have been involved with the issue. ect.


Lets continue the conversation.


Who has been able to get these buoys removed from an area and what did you do?



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  • Baller
I have this feeling that a lot of no waterski politics is going to involve waterski politics. Don't really have a dog in this fight that's coming, but I do care about what's right and wrong. Unfortunately, the EPA is coming for the private ski lakes.
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