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Grass Control. What to use?


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I have been searching around forum and it seems the best way to get rid of water grass is using Lake Dye and Grass Karp.


Our dam is low at the moment and we have just started summer so our rains should be coming soon but at the moment the grass is huge problem.

Currently the water is not running over the wall, so my thinking is that Dye would work as long as the water is not running over the wall? Am I correct?

I realize that if we have heavy rains it may mean we will lose the dye but if the heavy rains comes then too the dam would fill up and the water will turn brown and kill the grass.


They also irrigate from our dam for crops.

Has anyone had any issues with lake dye and crop farmers when their crops may turn blue? :)


We are going to put grass karp in but it seems it will be a while before we notice any effect.


Does anybody have any other ideas to immediately solve the problem the grass problem other than dye?

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  • Baller
Grass carp will work faster than you think. We had a huge weed problem (sago pondweed) the 2nd year our lake was full. Lake dye and about 100 thirteen inch sterile grass carp (9 acre lake, 36 acre feet) and we have been weed free ever since. We have to add a dozen of carp every other year, since as they mature, they eat less. Some of the carp we put in 10 years ago are now about 4' long!!
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You need to identify the weed. Sonar (fluridone) will get mifoil and manny other weeds. The Aquacide Co. is a good place to start, their product Aquacide is expensive but is effective. Be sure to google the product you decide to use to get the best pricing.
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  • Baller

We used "Natique" as an initial aquicide treatment before we put in the carp. Contact Glenn Tashima at Monterey Chemical in Ca. Send him pics of your type of weed and he will get you hooked up with the right product. He is a skier and a friend of Will Bush, which is how I found out about him and his products.


Be careful if you have a lot of grass. If you kill it all at once, the decomposition process depletes the water of oxygen and can kill all the fish. If there are a lot of weeds, it is better to treat half the lake at a time, with a waiting period in between treatments.

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