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Vapor boots vs. Refelx


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  • Baller

I have used Radar boots all of my real skiing life. I started with some RS-1s got some more RS-1s then got Stradas and then got some more Stradas. My Stradas are now falling apart. I am (very soon) going to get either a Reflex or Vapors. I noticed in the 2015 Vapor they added what looks like a piece of hard plastic to add some stiffness. This was initially the reason I thought of moving to Reflex. I have personally never had ANY release issues with Radars release "system" (if we want to call it a system really). On the other hand I have always wondered what a true hard plastic boot would do for my skiing and my edge control. Has anyone tried both of the boots with any feedback? Not necessarily the 2015 vapor (would be great but they are probably too new).



@Horton I noticed that it looks like you use Strada boots in all your reviews. Have you ever tried a reflex or similar hardshell?

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  • Baller
I think the Radar boots are awesome and the perceived benefit from extra stiffness is highly over rated if not detrimental to some skiers. I was lucky enough to be skiing with two of the best skiers in the world on the weekend and this subject came up, both of them have tried hard shell boots and both of them are on rubber. That is good enough for me.
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@ozski‌ Mapple, Asher etc... there are still a heap of the best guys on Reflex too. If the Slalom God himself (Andy) sells Reflex then it must say something about the product.


Personally - take your pick. There are some great bindings out there, but all modern high performance bindings require a greater level of care nowadays to not overtighten or to maintain. Unfortunately I have seen way too many injuries over the last couple of years from badly adjusted lace-ups.


There is still something to be said for the classics like Wileys! ;o)



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  • Baller
Certainly not saying hard shells are not popular but the benefit in terms of buoy count is highly debatable for the majority of skiers when compared to the Vapor boot or T-factor as an example. And I'm just talking performance here.
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  • Baller


1.) Performance-user dependent, edge control can be tweaky; liner thickness, buckle tension, cuff height; critical factors

2.) Safety-setup critical, probably best with RTP or easy releasable RB, Statistically probably no better or worse than Vapors.

3.) Durability-hard to beat



coming off Stradas a seamless transition with smooth, well-known, strong performance.


Steep learning curve for some with Reflex.

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  • Baller

Two falls ago I switched from a Strada front (with a RTP) to a Reflex front. The switch was far from easy. When I first got up on the Reflex I could barely get the ski to turn on my on side. Interestingly enough the offside turn was easier. After my second set I could run some of passes at my opening speed and line length. After 6-8 sets I was able to run down the rope to my hardest pass.


On setup I seem to remember that I moved the boot back a little to lessen the tip bite. I was struggling with slack on my offside turn and the increased pressure of the stiffer boot seemed to take that problem away.


This spring I made a poorly thought out (in hindsight) ski swap. When I got on the new ski I was having a ton of trouble with the ski pitching me over the front (which historically is not a problem I have) so I went back to the Strada which seemed to help the problem. I spent the rest of last summer bouncing between being hurt and searching for the right ski so I never got back to the Reflex experiment.

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I was on Stradas for a couple years and loved them, mostly for the comfort level of using liners as opposed to the Animals that I had been using my whole ski "career".

Two seasons ago I had a weird crash in a tournament on my opener. I got pitched forward and partially released from my Stradas. I ended up with a small fracture on my knee and missed the entire summer, which is why I ended up making the switch to Reflex.

There is a small learning curve going from rubber bindings to hard shells but in my opinion it isn't too serious. If you decide to go the Reflex route I recommend taking a few sets just making some turns and not chasing any buoys.

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@Ilivetoski I have used Radar bindings since they came out and highly recommend them.


I am currently playing with the OB4 System the @mmosley899 makes. I have not had enough rides to even start with a review.

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