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Can't view forum/threads


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  • Baller
For the past two days, nearly every time I go to the forum I see a page saying "Were you looking for the forum? Now might be a good time to go to the home page." I assume this is some kind of error message. While sometimes I can view the main forum page, I get this message every time I try to open and view a thread. I'm using Chrome. Any idea what's going on?
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  • Administrators
Grrr yea the log in I understand. As for the bad link I am not sure. Please clear your cache and let me know. Hope I do not have to dig deeper. Blame the Apple guys for sending me down this path.
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  • Administrators
@PUNKEE I have had my share of XXXX, Tooheys, Victoria Bitter, Crown Lager, West End Draught, Melbourne Bitter, Red back and some of that Fosters crap.
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  • Baller_
It kind of looks like a hacker changed the "forum" portion of the URL to "baller-forum" and then redirected to "forum" URL to that new page with the message on it. But, I did notice that clicking on "FORUM" link at the top of that message page seems to map to the "baller-forum" URL necessary to open the real forum directly. This change probably affected everybody's favorites link to the forum and any of their bookmarked threads that they review for tips, etc.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

@Horton the issue has something to do with how individual thread links are generated by the site/software.


For example, while viewing the list of topics on the main forum page, I can right-click on a topic and select open in a new window/tab. When I do this, I get the following URL which doesn't work and displays the "error" message page about being a good time to look at the home page.


(I experienced the same behavior when clicking on search results.)



However, if I am on the main forum page and simply click on the same topic, the system creates a different URL which works:



The difference is in the first element after the first /


forum# vs. baller-forum#


The "baller-forum#" one works.


If you can figure out why the search results and right-click actions are generating the bad URL, then you can probably fix this.

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