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Breathing ?

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Breathing, do I breathe in the slalom course, answer = I do not really know, sometimes I do not think I do, so should I breathe out on the wake crossing or breathe in, somebody did say to me if you breathe out during the turn it helps your lower body rotate.

Anybody got some answers or ideas on this , perhaps some exercises to help with breathing in the slalom course ?

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  • Baller
When I first started skiing tournaments I found I was completely exhausted after just one or two passes. Someone asked me if I was breathing? Same as you I had no idea. So I just focused on breathing as started my pullout and everything got much easier. Not sure if it matters when, just make sure you do.
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  • Baller
I always take extra deep breaths in between passes. Everyone busts my chops about being tired after one pass, but I do it to help myself recover quicker for the next pass. I exhale at points of exertion, and the rest of the time breath like I do when running.
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  • Baller

Trust me, if anyone could hold their breath through the entire course it would be @razorskier1.

In my case I can tell from pictures of myself around the ball that I exhale at the buoy which suggests inhaling either right before I hook up or somewhere in the pull.

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  • Baller

Today after my 3rd pass, I thought about where I was breathing. First 2 passes were at 22off@34, then a 28@34? 4th pass was another 28off@34. I tried to focus on exhaling during the pull.

Took in copious amounts of oxygen on the pullout and glide. I focused on a good exhale on the pull through the gate with a good intake at ball one. Then everything went to hx#%. My timing was off for the next two balls and I could not get my rhythm thinking about breathing. I decided that I will breathe when I breathe. I will think about it on the pullout and gate for now, and today adding in breathing was trying to think about too many other things in the course.


Knees forward, hips up, handle low, stand tall, reach at the ball, patient turns,.... AND BREATHE too? Trying to remember where to breath was over the top. There is only so much one can think about in 16.95 seconds.

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