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Important boat equipment: ant traps!


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Every so often over the years I've had some nasty ant infestations in a ski boat. One time it was out of a horror film...


But if you remember to put a few ordinary ant traps in yout boat at this time of year, you can avoid that fate. So consider this a public service announcement!

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  • Supporting Member
@Goodeskier Have had ants before and after kids. It has more to do with the environment I think -- i.e. are the "right" kind of ants living nearby in the first place. All summer long, ants investigate my boat by walking out on the mooring line. But as long as the traps are in, it doesn't go beyond that.
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Btw, it's morbidly fascinating how fast they can move in. One time a few years back I was gone for less than a week and came back to the aforementioned horror film of ants and eggs everywhere. Those little buggers can really communicate. Consider that there was no food in the boat itself, and that the nearest possible food is across 3' of rope followed by 15' of dock. So basic my boat was a major city and the shore was the farmland out in the boonies. Remarkable species.


But they still can't live in my boat!!

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  • Baller

Boric acid powder is reasonably safe. Sprinkle some on the end of the ropes and ants are unlikely to cross it.


Rats and mice are a way more destructive pest!


@Horton This topic is more relevant than nit picking differences between motor oil brands. Pests cause real damage.



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@Than_Bogan Gallagher does not like ants and does not answer questions about bees. She will talk your ear off about almost any mite or agricultural pest.


If you bring up dung beatles or lady bugs you better have time to listen.

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