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PatMax RedLine (not even close to on topic)

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This is the single least on-topic thing I've ever posted here, and that's perhaps a high bar. But my "baby" at work has finally become a reality after years spent trying to convince anybody to do it, followed by two years of grinding away to actually do it. So this press release feels worth sharing with everyone I "know." Don't worry if you have no effin' clue what it's talking about. Basically this lets factory robots find stuff really really fast. (Like 1,000 times during one slalom pass kinda fast. Hey, it's on topic after all...)



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  • Baller
Congrats Than - very cool indeed. (my first patent was granted in March) Great work - I wonder if my company uses this type of software.....I'm sure it could! I can see lots of applications for this....even our crazy world of slalom skiing.
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@Horton. I'd bet that is does -- or more accurately that somewhere along the process of making some brand(s) of commercial coffee, something is aligned by machine vision software.


@Skoot1123 Keep in mind that industrial application is very different: It's a super-constrained world where almost every detail of the process and setup can be controlled. On the other hand, ridiculous speed and 99.9999% robustness are commonly needed, which is impossible in an unconstrained world. So non-industrial applications have a totally different set of constraints AND requirements, typically calling for radically different approaches. Google plays in that space some, along with tons of academic institutions.

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