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Back belt suggestion

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  • Baller

Too many slack hit running ugly -28's has caused me to return to -22 to dial some things in. In addition to this I have a really sore back that really hurts when I get pulled up by the boat.


This thread is for those of you who use back belts, which ones are suggested?

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  • Baller
I have used a Valeo for years. I bought it at my local water ski shop but it looks like you can now also get them on Amazon. I believe it is the classic weight lifting belt. They come in different widths. I believe mine is a 4" or 5" wide.
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  • Baller
I used to use a Valeo for snow skiing when I skied a lot of bumps. I think it would work well for water skiing. I would say use it to get yourself healthy and work on strengthening your back and core. Not to mention learn how not to take the hits in a way that hurts your back.
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  • Baller
In the past I used a Valeo back belt, now I make sure my core is strong before ski season begins. When I switched to a Reflex front boot, my back couldn't take hundreds of deep water starts per season with both feet in. I use a RTP now and drag a foot when getting up. It's much easier on the back. Three years ago, I blew a disc in my back that ended my season. When it blew, the fluid impinged on my sciatic nerve causing numbness in my foot and a condition called foot drop. Core strength is the key. These things have worked for me.
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  • Baller

Check out the back brace on this website

www.ruoutside.com. I've used it summer and winter and find it to be very comfortable. It is very adjustable, washable,drys quickly and is long lasting. The website has other support products designed for active people. I believe the support is called " The Backthing"


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  • Supporting Member
I recently found a new version of the soft-style that I've "always" preferred to wear under my drysuit. (I find a life vest is enough support, but a drysuit isn't.) I like it a lot. But I don't think that's what you're talking about? If it is, I'll try to remember to find out the brand & model.
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  • Baller

Goode vest! It's magic for starts, protective on those big slack hits and helpful to immobilize a sore back. It interferes with reach a bit and makes off balance recoveries tougher. I lost a couple bouys but I was able to keep skiing with a bad back. The cost is the only real downside.


Don't use it for jumping!


I weaned myself off it by using a jump suit with an external belt. But I am now using it regularly while I'm trying to rehab my hip - just because I like the gloves.



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  • Baller
The wider Valeo (maybe 6") ? always. And a coast guard approved vest when my back is bugging me. Holding on to the handle longer helps to prevent the slack that jacks us up. Don't forget to stretch that psoas muscle. Didn't even know I had a psoas muscle. Learned about it here.
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  • Baller

I did use back braces over the years pre and post surgery. In absolute truth what I have decided is that if my back is hurting enough that I feel I need a brace... I should just not be skiing.


Post op I wore one at times, but found that my back actually felt better when not using it. On top of that the research I have seen has indicated that they are pretty ineffective except in certain instances. (i.e. a power lifter doing olympic style lifts where there is not torsional force)


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  • Baller

After a lower back injury in 2004 I switched to an O'neill USCGA Revenge. The longer length, a bit thicker foam and the integrated lumbar support helped me a lot. I can really tell a difference if in not using it. I figured having a vest with an integrated support was easier to deal with than a separate piece of equipment.


There is a non USCGA version but after some crashes with nearly being knocked out (in my youth) my wife gave me the option of using a USCGA vest or selling the boat.

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  • Baller

Thanks for all the replies fellas. .

I actually made the mistake of trying knuckles up pull ups to save my right brachioradialis from being so sore and it resulted in getting puled forward from the lumbar spine -the slack hit did not help.


I am on the fence as to get the Valeo more rigid belt or a more neoprene dynamic one.

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  • Baller

This is the belt I use by Schiek. It is a nylon belt. I've used it for a few years now. I have two herniated discs (L4 L5). So I have to be careful. This belt works great and very comfortable with the way it is cut down on the sides.


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  • Baller
I switched from a Valeo to the Schiek Garn gave the link to years ago- as he mentions, the cut of the sides is much more comfortable and they seem to be more durable. It's a little heavier, but negligibly so.
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  • Baller
I still have a powervest that I used when coming back from injury. That thing is unreal! You can take just about any hit. It was fun! I would recommend it for rehab skiers to keep you on the water and keep the rest of your body in shape. I found it to be a hindrance once the line got short to 38's and especially 39's. The reach was just not as easy for us under 6 foot.
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