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D3 Helix 2 Review


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New for 2015 is the D3 Helix 2. The team at D3 took last year’s Helix and tweaked the bevels and rocker line to create a smoother turning and more consistent ski. With the right skier inputs, the H2 draws a very smooth path wide of the ball and back across to the other side.

The H2 comes with the R45 Rockerblock. D3’s Rockerblock technology allows the skier to change the rocker of the tail of the ski and turning radius by choosing one of three rocker specific fin blocks. Read more about the Rockerblock here.

Off Side: If there is one feature about the H2 that stands out, it is that the Off Side turn is extremely dependable and forgiving. You can move the fin and bindings almost anywhere without radically changing the Off Side turn. You can approach the apex in far less than perfect position and the ski just gets it done. The H2 is going to take a lot of angle at the exit of the Off Side turn - you can just depend on it. With the fin and bindings close to the stock settings, the turn is a smooth and controlled arc setting up the skier for a calm and controlled trip to the wakes.

On Side: Skiers with better than average rope control and who approach On Side turns with their center of mass forward will find that the H2 arcs around On Side smoothly and carries a lot of speed back to the inside. Skiers at shorter line lengths who let the handle out too fast or who ride the center or the back of the ski, may find that the ski arcs back to the center slower than they might prefer.

Ball to the wakes: The H2 generates exceptional angle from the finish of the turn to the wakes. As with many modern skis, the H2 performs better when the skier applies just enough strength from the ball to the wakes.  If the skier works hard enough to hold the angle created at the ball and does not apply too much extra load, the ski will create more speed and will flow out wide on the other side of the course.  Excess load may lead to frantic skiing.

Wakes to the ball: From the edge change to the ball the H2 is very comfortable. It is stable enough to allow the skier to correct from a previous mistake and get ready for the next turn. The H2 achieves width relatively easily but to follow an optimal path this ski requires more rope tension than some ultra -fast skis. A skier who maintains a little extra tension on the line outbound will find a very smooth path out to apex and then back to the inside.    

Conclusion: Where so many high end skis can be finicky at Off Side and practically automatic at On Side, the H2 is the just the opposite. If you are a skier who yearns for an Off Side that just can’t go wrong, this may be the ski you have been waiting for.http://www.ballofspray.com/images/2015/untitled-217.JPG



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Great review. If all of those details held for me, this ski would be almost a perfect non-fit for me...


On the other hand, it might make me a better skier in the long-run. Hm, I think I just grasped a seemingly insane idea you (@Horton) had a couple of years ago about a practice ski and a performing ski. Interesting...

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I have been on the H2 a couple of passes now, and I also think that it turns almost too fast and (much) I tried a deeper fin which helped - Im thinking - why not try the R30 rockerblock ? I wonder why @horton didn't ? - it seems obvious when I read this review.... in the video from D3 with Seth Stisher - He mentions that he uses the R30.....

Does anyone have experience with the R30 compared to R45 on this ski ?

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