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Replacement for old Kidder


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I have an old Kidder Redline that I love, but has seen better days and needs to be replaced. I am 6', 165lbs, and am an intermediate to advanced skier. I dearly, I want to spend less than $500.


I have been researching replacements for the past few days and am completely overwhelmed.


The logical choice is a D3, but they are all priced way above budget.


I was looking at used Radar Stradas, but am not sure as they are discontinued.


Can anyone offer solid recommendations for replacement?


Thanks in advance!


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I have a 14' Radar Senate Graphite. I would think given your level/intensity, you will never reach the max performance of the Senate Graphite. I really like the ski (beginner course skier) but love the ski in open water at 34mph. See @Horton 's review under Ski Tests.


Another alternative would be the Connelly Carbon V (also a bit wider than their top end ski). The guy I ski with has one and it is a great ski as well.

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  • Baller

All skis mentioned so far are great, and it's a personal choice after that.

The most user friendly ski I ever used was a 2011 Strada. I still don't know why I sold it. I've been kicking myself since. I could finish a turn and feel out of position, and just push that ski right back to where I needed it. It offered better feedback than any ski I've ridden, and let me do whatever I wanted with it.

If you like the way D3's ski, there are x7's and Fusions in your price range. The Fusion allowed me to run my normal passes, but felt a little too much like it wanted to send me over the nose.

My personal experience with the HO was that I liked the A2 way more than the S1, but never got a ride in on the s2 or A3. The A2 was stable and predictable, but would rip.

I'd go Senate or Strada all day


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  • Baller

@Bunger - you can't really look at most skis as being discontinued. Ski companies are always doing R&D and working on the next ski. So the Strada wasn't really discontinued... it's more like it evolved over the course of four years into the Vapor. And the Vapor, by most accounts, is excellent!


And eventually the Vapor will evolve into something else.

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  • Baller
@pgmoore said it well, the companies are constantly refining their top ski, until they get to a point that they feel they can take everything learned from that ski, to create a new, better ski. I'm currently on a Vapor that I absolutely love. It's calm and stable but I consistently find myself in better position coming out of the turn than any other ski. Radar just built off the Strada until they came up with something even better. I'm actually going to find a 2012 or 2013 Strada, just to keep around to ride when I want.
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  • Baller

I just seriously returned to the sport after 19yrs off. I was a life long Kidder guy. Earlier this year I tried a Vapor and a Senate and did not love them. I then tried skis from the D3 family and felt awesome and have been skiing great. I personally discovered that sticking with a family of skis even dating back 20 years made me feel right at home when I returned to the sport.

Just something to keep in mind.

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