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Mapple T1 & T2 updates?

Ralph Lee

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  • Baller
Purchased my T-1 "on the spot" at the Mapple Center back in August of last year. After skiing it into the fall and finding it the best ski I have had, the love affair continues this spring/summer. The ski is consistent, fast, quick, and will respond to input and style changes. If you are in trouble and need to force the ski....it will not let you down. I am amazed at some of the passes I made that I should not have. Also, the construction quality and durability are excellent. No issues what-so-ever. GREAT ski, customer service and support. MWN
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  • Baller

I'm on the T2. I think it's a great ski, but haven't felt dialed in 100%. I haven't put up any good numbers yet, but I'm also still getting back in shape after a knee scope this spring.

My subjective analogy is, like it's like a twitchy light race car....capable of great lap times, as long as you keep the engine in the powerband and stay in the track groove. Campare to, say, a Mustang 5.0 (and numerous skis, perhaps an XT)...It may not be the fastest but has loads of torque and good enough handling to get you out of tight spots and mistakes.

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  • Baller
I would say that my experience has been that the ski takes very little energy to generate tons of speed and angle. In addition, the ski turns and then holds angle better than anything I've skied thus far. I have run tons of 35s and a dozen or so 38s on it thus far, and I think there is more to come.
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