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Skiing course for 1st time tomorrow. Best tips for success?


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  • Baller

I'm going to ski school in less than 2 weeks. I was planning to ski a lot beforehand but have been land locked due to the massive amount of rain here. I was able to find a dedicated slalom lake in Hackett Arkansas (Cabo) about an hour from my house. I am going tomorrow night and will be taking a shot at the course. Any major thoughts besides have fun? Handle to hip, hips up etc. I'm not expecting too much but would at least like to get around 1 ball. I'll have the gf take video and will post for critique.


One more ?, she is skiing on two and is at the point of needing to cross the wake. I don't know how to tell her to do it, I just do it. Any thoughts on what to tell her to do except kind of lean a little to the side where she is wanting to go? Thanks in advance

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  • Baller
I just got back into a course after a 20-year hiatus. You should start slow (I started at 28mph), but you will still likely find that you are not pulling nearly hard enough on your off-side cut. The course will encourage you right away to pull harder out of your turn because those balls come up a lot faster than you think.
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  • Baller

Q1: Other posters will give some wise and thoughtful answers about things like skiing inside the balls to start, picking an appropriate boat speed, etc. I'll let them get into that with more detail.

My comment is just an attitudinal one: don't get discouraged. For 95% of skiers, the first time in the course is an eye-opener on timing and width (for most, the balls are often a lot wider from the wake than where you've typically been turning when free-skiing, and they come up a lot faster). Don't get discouraged, stay focused and positive about your upcoming ski school trip.


Q2: on dry land, have her practice bending her knees forward and slightly in the direction she wants to go. Beginners often struggle with the concept of 'lean' because they naturally want to keep their weight over their feet. [edit:] and +1 on what Mike said below: resist the temptation to pull in with the arms as she rides down the wake. Instead, focus on keeping some weight on the balls of her feet.

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  • Baller

Oh man, I remember hitting the course for the first time. Just like andjules said, I was sitting there thinking "I can't believe how far out there those balls are!!!" and also thinking "I can't believe how hard I have to cut and how quickly I have to get clear over to the other side. This is a totally different ball game than the way I'm used to skiing (that I was starting to get bored with)...I think I'm in love!!!"


Looking back on it, the reason the balls seemed so far out there was in part just because I wasn't accustomed to the timing, rhythm, and distances of the course. I think my ski was probably going 5 feet outside of the ball just because I wasn't accustomed to where I was going.


Don't be surprised if you have to slow down a lot just to make it through the course, and then at that point, if you slow down a ton, don't be surprised if you suddenly have to buy a new, bigger, less "expert level" ski just to keep the thing on top of the water as you are learning at these slow speeds.


As far as the girlfriend goes - I would say just mind your own business and try to help her have fun. Don't worry one bit about her "progression." If she's skiing on two skis right now, chances are that her version of fun doesn't have very much to do with "progression" like it does for you and me. That's just a guess though, not knowing her. Something for you to consider as a possibility.

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  • Baller

the most common mistake for a beginner trying to go outside or back inside the wake on two skis is being overly tentative. they try to kind of travel*sideways* slowly and they end up straddling the first crest with one ski in the trough and the other ski near the center of the wake. next stop -splitsville and a nasty otf fall.


she will need to be dynamic in her effort -turning both skis toward the wake with a definite purpose. that doesnt mean *fast* or *hard* . . . just smooth and dynamic with no pause in her momentum until both skis have crossed the first crest and she is fully just outside the wake. going out bound will be easier than coming in bound but the process is the same. dynamic with no pausing half way through.

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  • Baller

Timing, Body Position, Effort...

Goal #1 - Timing - ability to make 6 turns where the apex of the turns are just before every buoy. By this I mean that you must first understand how to turn in sync with the occurrence of each turn buoy.

Goal #2 - Body position improvements will make your wake crossings more effective and efficient. Listen to your coach and be prepared to be told to stand differently on your ski. Adopting new body position takes time, but it is the most worthwhile area of focus.

Goal #3 - Effort - skiing the course is about generating speed after the turn is over and through the center-line of the boat's path. With appropriate body position, you will gain confidence to lean sufficiently aggressive into the and through the first wake.


Goal 1 will get you started with proper timing. Improvements via Goals 2 & 3 will get you width without losing timing. That will get you buoys.



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  • Baller
Just enjoy it, laugh at yourself in the process, and look at is a learning experience on timing, form, etc. that will ultimately be utilized to improve your skiing long term. Be patient around the balls when completing your turns as you will have a tendency to backside the ball or finish your turns quickly to give yourself more space, but in reality will result in poor form and less angle...
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  • Baller

A while back, @Horton posted a video of an 80 plus year old woman skiing the course. I was surprised at how smooth her form was. I'm going to keep that in mind. She wasn't rushed at all. Hopefully with so much rope, I won't feel crazy rushed. It will be interesting just to get in the course, see the layout and then truly see what it takes to get the width etc that is needed to get it done.


I will definitely laugh at myself. I don't expect to be good at all. It would be nice to turn one ball anyway! I'm just glad to have the chance to ski at least once before ski school. Video will be posted, good or not! I'm a little concerned I'll be tempted to muscle my way through it. I really don't want to get into anymore bad habits. I'm already having to break the ones that I developed from years of random freeskiing.

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  • Baller
If you're going to a ski school in a couple weeks leave the coaching up to them. This time go out there and have fun, get a sense of where things are and how fast they come up. Get an idea of what it's like to ski on a "dedicated ski lake" - stopping on each end, turn island or how the boat gets back into the course, etc. The shores may seem close and things can happen fast. Not sure where you're going to ski school but getting some experience in a similar environment will help a ton when the real instruction starts. You'll be far less distracted with the surroundings.
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  • Baller_

Ski on edge through the wakes, not flat.

Arms straight when pulling through the wakes.

Don't bend at the waist - keep your hips up and don't roll shoulders forward.


Your timing for the pull out and turn in for the gates will be something you will need to experiment with and adjust.


For 15 off, I'd probably start the pull out when the windshield of the boat is crossing though the green 55s. Pull out smooth and steady, not excessively. For the turn in to the gates, turn when the windshield of the boat is crossing through the gates.


The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

I would say start at 26 or 28 mph depending on how heavy you are. For your first time don't worry about the gates. Start by pulling out wide for 1 ball and then pull for 2. Make sure not to look at the next buoy when pulling work as hard as you can from white water to white water then worry about the next ball. Once you can get around all 6 balls starting at 1 ball then worry about the gates.


For your girlfriend tell her to keep her eyes up on the boat and a good athletic knee bend. If she wants to go over the left wake she should just tip her right knee a little toward her left leg. Have her practice going back and forth between the wakes until she is comfortable doing that. When she goes across the wake keep the head up and the arms straight her first impulse is going to be to pull her arms in.

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  • Baller

Two more tips...

Slalom course skiing is trying to get to the other side gracefully and early or prior to the next turn buoy. So, imagine a target point about 10 feet earlier than the upcoming buoy and cut across the wake for that spot.


And, the turn starts before you get to the buoy and not afterwards. Commit to your turn before you are absolutely sure that you are going to get around that buoy. You will be surprised how much earlier you will exit that turn when you do this.

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  • Baller

Many great advices given.

Many more cents on just having fun and getting used to the lake and course.


Fwiw I spent approx 60 runs before I managed the course the first time.

And that was at 24 witout entrance gate ...

Ok I started very old and are maybe a slow learner but it takes time.


Rythm and position are way more important than boies.


Enjoy and please keep us updated on your experiences!


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  • Baller

Nice video @gt2003 Looks like a great place. If you've only free skied before your first Disney ride around the island will be interesting. Just stay behind the boat and don't freak out. Likewise, the opposite end has a shoreline that will look like you'll run up on it for your pull out for the gate...you won't hit it. Just ask question, have fun and absorb what to can (except the


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  • Baller
Oh, yeah, I forgot to say that, but Amen to what Chef23 said about the entrance gates. Somebody gave me that advice back in the day and it helped tons. The entrance gates are the last thing you add. Get all 6 balls and then learn the timing and approach of the entrance gates to ball 1 section. Otherwise, you won't have that first part correct (the hardest part) so then you won't even be able to learn anything after it and your timing will be so far off that the whole rest of the run will just be all messed up.
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  • Baller

My first time was a big crash at 1 ball at about 28 mph. I remember going face first into the ball. Think I had a ball shaped bruise on my face......


My suggestion is take it easy, listen to the coaching (as long as they start by telling you to slow the boat way down and it sounds like they have a clue...). Also, lower expectations and just have FUN!

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  • Baller
Here's my tip- Start playing the lottery. Once you get around 1 ball the first time, you will be addicted, and addicts can spend thousands to millions to feed their addiction. Speaking from experience here.
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  • Baller

Looking back at phone videos now and it wasn't pretty, lol!! But, I didn't expect it would be. I believe I made it around 2 ball at 15 off but DAMN 3 ball came out of nowhere! First set was more mapping things out and swerving here and there. Second set a tad better. I was amazed how the course lulls you to sleep then BAM, where'd that ball go??

GF did great. Swerved in and out of wakes like a pro. She's ready to try slalom now!

Best part, she saw how a 'real' boat could yank me outta the water in no time. I got up every pull. There may be a slalom tug in my future soon!


I will review videos again tomorrow and post the best. I knew I was a beginner and the 1st attempt reinforced that!


Can't forget to say that Steve and his wife/gf are EXCELLENT folks. We felt right at home and can't wait to go back!

Thanks for all the pointers. I realize how truly crappy my body position is now and how much work I have to do. The good Thing is, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks ballers!

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  • Baller

Will post video hopefully tonight. Yes, HOOKED! A couple of runs I felt good around one and thought, oh, 2's easy...wait, where'd 2 go, oh, that's it behind me. When I'm watching the video on my phone, @Jordan 's advice of "turn before you think" really makes sense. I'm not wide at all. WOW, UGLY!


You all make it look easy. I got to watch Steve run a 38 off last night and get a couple of balls at 39 1/2. Pretty salty! You all are pretty much Ski gods!

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  • Baller

As bad as I am and as bad as these videos are, see what you can pick apart from them. The 2 main things I notice are that I have NO STACK/body position. I got pulled over the front a couple of times due to this. I also notice how late, late, late I am in turning. The videos are from and iPhone 4S and seem much poorer quality than what you all post. Any tips on videos?



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  • Baller

I also have an iphone 4s and it takes much better video than that. I think you probably just have some kind of setting set up wrong in there. Go into your settings and make sure it is set to the highest quality video possible.


Also, especially for waterskiing, this video applies.


On the actual waterskiing, certainly I'm not qualified to coach you there, other than to think that your speed looks pretty fast for your first time ever going through. When I take first timers through the course, I usually am hoping they have a ski big enough to run them through at 26 mph, and if the ski is big enough, I would even prefer 24 if possible. How fast were you going in these videos?


Good to see another person hooked on the course. I'll never forget going through for the first time and thinking "oh my goodness, I'm in love with waterskiing all over again in a way that I haven't been for at least 10 years." I can't wait to see how you are doing after your ski school.

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  • Supporting Member

Yep, looks like a skier's first day in the course...


As you appear to know, your top three priorities are now:

1) Body position

2) Body position

3) Body position


Takes a long time, but eventually changes everything.

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  • Baller

@Chef23 @escmanaze ,Gf says he was pulling me at 28mph. My Obrien Synchro is 8 inches wide underfoot. I think I could easily go down to 26, maybe even 24. I'll try that next time.


Thanks @escmanaze , I'll watch that right after I post this. I'll check phone settings and try again next time.


@Than_Bogan , got it. I noticed I can "get away" with closing my shoulder to the boat with my less powerful I/O that I have without it pulling me over the front too bad. That wasn't happening with the Malibu. Close shoulder, go down. Prior to getting on the water I was thinking hips up and handle to hip. Holy cow, that went out the window fast! Even when I would pull out, I noticed I didn't initiate my turn until way past the buoy. So, lots to work on but I'm up for the task. I also don't remember being this sore in quite some time. Soreness is dying down and provided the weather holds out, may be giving it another shot this weekend.


Thanks for the input gentlemen. I'll post better quality video with hopefully better quality skiing next time.


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  • Baller

@gt2003 try 26 mph, 24 might be a little slow. I wouldn't start your entry to the course on the other side of 1 ball. Start on the same side as 1 ball and pull out well before 1 ball and make your turn so you are going cross course at the back side of 1 ball then pull for all you are worth for 2 ball. Try to turn 2 and get to 3. If you don't get to 3 ball then go around 5 ball and try to get to 6 ball. If you didn't get to 2 ball hang out and go around 4 ball and try to get to 5 ball.


You are going to need to learn to pull hard through both wakes it is the only way to get to the next ball. You really should pretend the buoy is 20 feet before it really is so you can turn anc backside the next buoy.

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  • Baller
Ok, I'll tell him 26 and start as you suggested. I THINK I actually squeaked out 2 balls and nabbed the "mini-course" 3 ball on my best run. I'd rather slow it down and do it right instead of developing more bad habits. Thanks @Chef23
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  • Baller

My advice is still, to use the course to get into the rhythm of how quickly you need to get from side to side.


Trying to get out to the buoys before your body position is ready will just cause frustration and actually build bad habits. We all have trouble skiing correctly vs. getting 1 more buoy at all costs. The skiers who progress the fastest and farthest are the ones who prioritize proper technique over one more buoy. The buoys come when technique continues to advance.


Shadow the course. This means, turn narrow or inside of the buoys. Focus on fine tuning your body position. Focus on stable and fluid motions. As you figure this out, you will see your width increase on its own.


When you are ready to attack buoys again, learn the course in reverse. By this I mean, shadow 1-5, but go around #6 buoy. Then, add #5 and so on.

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  • Baller

Oh you have "mini-course" balls? Then maybe I take back what I said, and I really start to like what ToddL said instead. In my opinion, now, job #1 is to just go 26 mph and get through the course with the mini-course for your first time.


The first and best thing this will do is to establish a baseline psychologically. Now that you have a baseline, you get to measure every little bit of progress and get encouraged by every small step.


The second thing it will do is to start to teach you the rhythm of the course and the timing of the course. To me, that is the very first thing that you need to learn. I'm going to go ahead and disagree with Than, which is a really risky thing to do around these parts, and I'm going to say that job 1 is to learn the timing and rhythm of the course, which is much different than the timing and rhythm of free-skiing, then after that is when you get to BP, BP, BP, oh, and some more BP.


Once you have your timing and rhythm right, then you are officially having fun. Then you just start endlessly working on stacked position, and like ToddL says, that will just naturally send you out as wide as the real balls if you are just stacking up correctly as you go from the ball to the wakes.

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