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nationals qualification question


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  • Baller

@Ilivetoski when you view the rankings with Nationals filter on, click on the NCQ to the right of your name. You will see that you rank value is 92.67 versus the Men's 1 Tournament cut off average (COA) of 94.67.

That means as off the COA date (July 16 this year), the lowest skier average in Level 8 based on last 12 months of scores was 94.67 but on that day you were 92.67.

At this point I am in the same boat as you, currently and much of the summer I have been level 8, but not on July 16.

You can still qualify by placing top 5 at your upcoming Regionals, or getting a score of 95 (greater than 94.67) at any Class C or above tournament before Nationals.

You can do it! Go rip it up at Skiers Edge this weekend!

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  • Baller
Ahh.. I think where I got off on this is I was thinking in CA, and you have to be a certain level to qualify for regionals. I think qualifying top 3 in state does not grant you a pass to regionals in all regions.
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  • Baller

@disland Thanks, but it is @Ilivetoski that needs the 95 for Men's 1. I need 92 for old man group, but my Regionals is done and gone. I couldn't make it.


That raises a different question. I am in SO Region. But, could I jump on a plane this week to Chicago and ski MW Regionals just to check the box that I attended Regional? Would podium finish there, or my 92 to beat the COA also count there? Not going to happen, but just learning the rules around participating out of my own Region.

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  • Baller
@Zman you could ski there for a score. Technically you need to ski in the regionals where you do most of your skiing (which is likely the same region as your residence). You could make a case that you attained skiing position in A regionals and therefore should be able to ski at Nationals. Im sure there's precedent for that idea and I'm not sure if it's acceptable or not. Seems reasonable though.
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  • Baller
@Zman how I understand it. You could do that with permission from your home region and host region's EVPs. You could ski for score and if you are already level 8 or higher be qualified for Nationals. If you need the LCQ score of 92 you would need to ski that score to make it to nationals. OOR/RL skiers are not allowed to podium in another region.
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