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2015 Big Dawg Point Standings


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  • Baller_

Hmmmm... it is called a "Tour" for a reason.. If it was not it would be called The Big Dawg Best Score Series" and we could all just mail in our videos of 39 offs. Anyone here gonna claim they would not go to every stop if they could fly free...anyone...Bueller


Heck, who wouldn't be so rattled with nerves that the opener could actually be a fail. Anyones game especially if us hacks enter.

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  • Baller

As a Delta diamond flyer I'm glad to see my dollars at work @ob. After 56 round trips to South Africa in the last 3 years in some way I feel like I helped you get this done. Congrats man. Next year maybe I will burn some miles and get back in on this thing. Have to actually start skiing again though. New ski coming Thursday. Starting to feel motivated.


Better quit aggravating Horton. Your handicap may get fudged at the event in Oct.

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  • Baller
@OB tell the group in Allentown I said hello and that they should let me know if they visit Texas so I can make sure I'm out of town. Jokes aside, good group of people up there and great memories. Skied for several years at a private site, Fox Run Farm in Bernville, PA. Awesome place.
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  • Baller

Ya know. There is nothing wrong with the BD format for this year. It's just different. For the past number of years there has been an event within driving distance for me, and the finals have been held at nationals. As someone who is the head of a whole family of skiers this made participation pretty attractive.


Now if my kids were out of the nest it would be a lot easier and more affordable to have to fly for 3 weekends to follow the "tour". I hope there is still a BD around in a few years where I may be more able to do that. This may be the reason that if you look at the BD field there are a lot of top guys who are over 45. At 35 the logistics and economics of a tour concept is hard to swing. (And to get that many yard passes)


Hopefully other events will continue to pop up. The BOS tournament this fall has an interesting format. If there is enough interest to support two series of tournaments would be outstanding.

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Of the current Top 40, 17 of the skiers only went to 1 event. At least 16 of the 23 skiers that went to 2 events would have still made the top 40 with points from only 1 of the events that they competed in. It's certainly feasible to make the top 40 without chasing all the tour stops. Going to 2 events certainly does help though....
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  • Baller

Speaking of... Have you sent in your entry for the BOS Shaw?


I believe that a special division where every skier could mount their bindings on the Horton's "Ginsu" special from the old days would be entertaining.

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  • Baller

@Mshaw200 so by my math that means that 17.5% of the skiers that qualified for the Big Dawg finals did so solely based on the new rules and the ability to attend multiple events.


@OB Nascar drivers are prefessional drivers. It makes sense to use a point system because the majority of the drivers are sponsored and make money from sponsors advertising on their cars. So if they don't race, they get no sponor money. Last time I checked Big dawgs were not professional skiers but amatuers with jobs and only a few of them are actually sponsored.


I am not hating here. Just pointing out that some guys ran a full pass more than other skiers, but they lose out because they could not attend multiple events. So we have a mixture of guys that got in on talent and guys that got in on money, not the 40 best slalom skiers in the country

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  • Gold Member

Hm. Clear rules that have been enforced correctly? Seems pretty darn unfair to blame @OB for playing by them!


I infer that the goal of these rules is to increase participation. Maybe it did. If not, I suspect they'll revert the rules in a season or two.

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  • Baller

@OB you are correct I should have said resources and not money, and I should have said 40 best skiers in the world not country.


Another thing I noticed, they are only taking the top 2 points even if the skier competed in three events, so it is not a true point system.

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Nautique and O'Brien do want the best skiers in the Big Dawg Finals but they also want to reward those skiers for supporting the events. Them just showing up at 2 events doesn't automatically qualify them for the Finals, they still had to produce some scores and earn enough points. I can see the points system getting tweaked a little for next year but I think it will probably be around for a bit. I would venture to say that several of the skiers that went to multiple events did so mainly out of their love for the Big Dawg events.


@Horton why would I have to ski at 36? I don't think I meet the requirements to be forced into those shenanigans.




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  • Baller

@Mshaw200 "Them just showing up at 2 events doesn't automatically qualify them for the Finals"

Funny, the data shows the opposite. Every skier that skied two events qualified.....unless I am reading something wrong skiers 41-88 only have one point total.


Does anyone know if the total Big Dawg participation was up or down from last year. Only 88 skiers participated in the 4 qualifying events? That seems like a low number

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@mshaw200 if there was "Ginsu" event you would be forced to ski 36. Otherwise 34 mph.


Send your entry. Don't worry I put the Ginsu in a dumpster years ago.

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@MillerTime38 I'm not looking to argue. I said "automatically" and that statement is still correct. Yes, everyone that went to 2 events this year did qualify for the finals. And they still had to earn a total of 34 points. They earned their spot in the Top 40 based on the current rules. They wouldn't have done that if they hadn't gone to the events and put up scores. "Just showing up" and finishing last wouldn't cut it.


Participation was exactly the same this year as last, 88 skiers

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