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Video coaching help please.


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  • Baller

Travis I've been really studying handle control lately so of course its the first thing I looked at. To me it looks like you need to keep the handle in closer of the second wake. Wilson bros talk about on this video.



This 34mph video you can see Terry Winter very actively bringing the handle in. It's very noticeable at 34.



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  • Baller

your losing a lot of speed riding so far back on the tail. so when you get to the apex you need to have the boat pick you earlier or you'll just fall over so you can't get as much angle out of the turn as you want. also with the boat picking you up out by the ball you're forced to give up even more angle after the wake. you can ski the tail fine through 35 off but at 38 you have to wait for the rope to get tight enough hold you up before you can finish the turn and start pulling and that translates into wasted down course travel that makes you later and later until you just can't get to the next ball.


some where around these parts Horton has a great article on how to learn and ingrain getting into the proper weight-forward slalom position and maintaining it through the pass. i looked for it in the tech articles folder but couldn't find it. maybe he can point the way. . .

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