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this may sound goofy...


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  • Baller

So I recently posted that some still shots were taken of my skiing and I was both embarrassed and pleased. Very pleased with stack by the first wash, wake, and handle control outbound. Very embarrassed about into and out of the ball, particularly with the momentary tip rise out of the ball. Scores were ok, and it didn't feel that bad but the pics don't lie.


I asked for fin adjust recommendations, then my back acted up big time.


Post vacation back home...my back is still really peeved so not even sure I should ski but went out and ran 28 off openers. Decided I would try to get the tip down out of the turn because on my first pass clearly there was a tip rise before I go...less at 28 off but that's what's magnified shorter.


I ran a pass and on-purpose watched my tip after I back-sided the ball and sure enough the tip comes up, down, then I go.


I decided I would watch the forebody of the ski and endeavor to keep it down out of the turn...sort of force my will on it by watching it. Interestingly, if I watch the forebody after the ski clears the ball for a little longer than just seeing it clear the ball and snapping the turn...it stays down and I'm gone with no stall and load. Made no sense in my head thinking I'm set up for a big bust at the waist (followed by OTF) but did this turn after turn and it was great. Skied two sets today and it was great. Seems to have the effect of bringing my body toward course center over the bindings WITH the ski rather than snapping a turn to rearward weight bias with the ski squirting out in front of my mass, then reset, then go. This is all really uncharted for me, and I have not had a chance take it short...but it seems there is some real promise here. Am I nuts? MRI on my back Friday.


One ski partner liked how I skied and afterward when I told him thought the theory was nuts. @razorskier1 liked it all. Today my regular ski buddy didn't know what I was doing as an observer till after 1st set but could tell the ski stayed down and I was gone early from each ball. Second set he knew and could see me doing it, no tip rise and gone. Nuts? When/if my back lets me take this to shortline will I OTF to the opposite shore?


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  • Baller
I think this change is causing Dave to ride the ski through the turn rather than turning the ski. Turning the ski can lead to changing position, most often to the back foot, for us mere mortals. Riding the ski through the turn allows the ski to run through, rather than digging a hole in the lake, and keeps you moving with the boat, rather than against it. To achieve this may require a different visual or mindset for every skier.
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  • Baller

@jordan it feels more forward (meaning not back but over the ski) at turn completion and then out of the turn into first wash. Prior I was coming in forward but snapping the turn, snapping hips up, weight goes to back foot on an over-rotation almost to get make sure I was stacked before the boat picked me up. Was making that work in terms of buoy count but something has to give here if I'm ever going to get better.

This feels like it has potential, and the feeling lasted over 3 sets so perhaps not a fluke. Again have not pushed it down the line yet which will be the litmus test.

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  • Baller

@Jordan I don't have video, have asked for the still shots my buddy took so I could post the tip up at end of turn followed by tip down and pretty good stack into the wash. Don't have any pics or video since making the technique change but watching the ski as a skier I can tell it doesn't rise at all when I do it right and my mistakes have made less rise than before. Still working on the muscle memory and really have to concentrate to avoid an "old habit" turn.


@jipster43 thanks...find out what's wrong soon then try to figure out what to do with my back. Not looking forward to neck surgery one year and perhaps lumbar to follow the next. Neck is a lot easier recovery. My guess is my MRI looks like total crapp-o-roo just like my neck did with words like "severe" and "compromise" and "stenosis" and "impingement" and "degeneration" all over it.

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